Evaluation of hydrothermal aging of continuously fibre-reinforced thermoplastics and development of an ultrasonic measurement system for non-destructive characterization of the state of aging for structural health monitoring and remaining life-time predictions


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Characterization of the linear-acoustic material behavior of fiber-reinforced composites using lamb waves
S. Johannesmann, M. Webersen, J. Düchting, L. Claes, B. Henning, in: 45th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation , 2019.
An acoustic waveguide-based approach to the complete characterisation of linear elastic, orthotropic material behaviour
S. Johannesmann, J. Düchting, M. Webersen, L. Claes, B. Henning, Tm - Technisches Messen 2018 (2018) 478–486.
Acoustic material characterization of prestressed, plate-shaped specimens
S. Johannesmann, T. Brockschmidt, F. Rump, M. Webersen, L. Claes, B. Henning, in: Sensoren Und Messsysteme, VDE Verlag GmbH, 2018, pp. 231–234.
Guided ultrasonic waves for determining effective orthotropic material parameters of continuous-fiber reinforced thermoplastic plates
M. Webersen, S. Johannesmann, J. Düchting, L. Claes, B. Henning, Ultrasonics 84 (2018) 53–62.
Akustische Charakterisierung der richtungsabh?ngigen elastischen Eigenschaften faserverst?rkter Kunststoffe
M. Webersen, S. Johannesmann, J. Düchting, L. Claes, B. Henning, in: Fortschritte Der Akustik - DAGA 2018, 2018, pp. 1263–1266.
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