TRR 142 - Engineered frequency conversion devices (C01)


In this project, we aim to fabricate integrated frequency conversion devices tailored for spectral-temporal manipulation and detection of quantum light emitted from semiconductor structures. The frequency converters will be developed on a lithium niobate platform and we will target for high-performance plug-and-play devices with fiber pigtailed connectors. Incorporating conventional time-domain pulse characterization techniques such as streak cameras, we will show an unprecidented detection efficiency for sub-picosecond pulsed quantum light at the near-infrared spectrum. We will additionally study time-lensing methods for single-photons to further enhance the resolution of our time-domain characterizations.

Key Facts

Research profile area:
Optoelectronics and Photonics
Project type:
Project duration:
01/2014 - 12/2021
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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn

Integrated Quantum Optics

About the person
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Manfred Bayer

Technische Universit?t Dortmund

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Project Team

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Manfred Bayer

Cooperating Institutions

TU Dortmund

Cooperating Institution


Tailored Frequency Conversion Makes Infrared Light Visible for Streak Cameras
C. Lüders, J. Gil-Lopez, M. Allgaier, B. Brecht, M. A?mann, C. Silberhorn, M. Bayer, Physical Review Applied 19 (2023).
Achieving the Ultimate Quantum Timing Resolution
V. Ansari, B. Brecht, J. Gil-Lopez, J.M. Donohue, J. ?ehá?ek, Z. Hradil, L.L. Sánchez-Soto, C. Silberhorn, PRX Quantum 2 (2021).
Improved non-linear devices for quantum applications
J. Gil López, M. Santandrea, G. Roland, B. Brecht, C. Eigner, R. Ricken, V. Quiring, C. Silberhorn, New Journal of Physics (2021).
Universal compressive tomography in the time-frequency domain
J. Gil López, Y.S. Teo, S. De, B. Brecht, H. Jeong, C. Silberhorn, L.L. Sánchez-Soto, Optica (2021).
Pulse shaping using dispersion-engineered difference frequency generation
M. Allgaier, V. Ansari, J.M. Donohue, C. Eigner, V. Quiring, R. Ricken, B. Brecht, C. Silberhorn, Physical Review A 101 (2020).
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