
OptiAMix: Multi-target optimized and fully automated component development for additive manufacturing processes in the product creation process


Additive manufacturing processes offer a wide range of potential in terms of lightweight construction or functional integration. However, this cannot be achieved by simply adopting conventionally developed and manufactured components. To support the development process across all phases and to exploit the potential of additive manufacturing processes, researchers from the product development group worked together with several research and industry partners.

The researchers in the product development department of the HNI at the University of Paderborn were developing methods for analyzing requirements for additively manufactured components. Since the requirements for additive components are very dynamic and are subject to many changes in the course of the development phases, the analysis particularly addresses their risk of change. In this way, risk control measures can be initiated before a change is required and the risk of cost or time overruns can be reduced. In order to be able to guarantee the applicability also for extensive requirement sets, a software prototype was developed, which on the basis of a textual requirement list carries out the risk calculation partially automatically. The validation takes place, among other things, on the demonstrators in the project such as an additively manufactured topology-optimized rear wing holder for racing cars with functional integration. This will be the prelude to further research projects of the department on this topic.

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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Koch, (bis 31.03.2022)

Computeranwendung und Integration in Konstruktion und Planung (bis 2022)

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Prof. Dr. Thomas Tr?ster

Leichtbau im Automobil

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Detmar Zimmer

Design and Drive Technology (KAt)

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Prof. Dr. Iris Gr??ler

Produktentstehung / Heinz Nixdorf Institut

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Cooperating Institutions

WP Kemper GmbH

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Projekttr?ger Karlsruhe (PTKA) im Karlsruher Institut für Tewchnologie (KIT)

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EDAG Engineering Group AG

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Krause DiMaTec GmbH Deutschland

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Hirschvogel Umformtechnik GmbH

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Am C.I.K. ist u.a. aus diesem Projekt die folgende Dissertation entstanden: ?Methodik zur prozessbasierten Technologieintegration der Additiven Fertigung in Unternehmen“ von Johannes Rohde, 11.10.2019.