TRR 358 - Integral structures in geometry and representation theory


Integral structures arise in many places throughout mathematics: as lattices in Euclidean space, as integral models of reductive groups and algebraic schemes, or as integral representations of groups and associative algebras. Even questions about the most basic example of an integral structure, the ring of integers Z, very soon lead into the fields of analysis, algebra, or geometry. In the same vein, investigations of integral structures are most successfully treated by viewing them from different perspectives, often require the usage of most advanced mathematical methods, and frequently lead to unexpected connections.This point is illustrated by the classification of wallpaper groups, i.e., discrete groups of isometries of the plane that contain two linearly independent translations. As intricate double-periodic arabesques, we meet them in the medieval Alhambra palace in Granada. It is a classical fact that there are precisely 17 wallpaper groups. This result has a geometric aspect, as it provides the number of flat compact orbifold surfaces; and it also has an interpretation within representation theory: it is part of the classification of hereditary categories over the field of real numbers.As integral structures necessitate a combined approach from different mathematical sub-disciplines, we will embark on a broad research programme reaching from algebraic geometry to analysis on manifolds, from geometric group theory and algebraic combinatorics to representation theory of associative algebras. With joint forces from the participating universities, we intend to answer major questions in the algebraic and analytic theory of automorphic forms, categorical representation theory and algebraic geometry, as well as classical and p-adic harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces.

DFG Programme CRC/Transregios

Current projects

A01 - The structure of (almost) lattices – algebra, analysis, and arithmetic (Project Heads Alfes-Neumann, ClaudiaBaake, MichaelVoll, Christopher)

A02 - Algebraic and arithmetic aspects of aperiodicity (Project Heads Baake, MichaelKlüners, Jürgen)

A03 - Codes and designs (Project Heads Baumeister, BarbaraR?sler, MargitSchmidt, Kai-Uwe)

A04 - Combinatorial Euler products (Project Heads Blomer, ValentinKlüners, JürgenVoll, Christopher)

A05 - Affine Kac–Moody groups: analysis, algebra, and arithmetic (Project Heads Burban, IgorBux, Kai-UweGl?ckner, Helge)

A06 - Zeta functions of integral quiver representations (Project Heads Crawley-Boevey, WilliamVoll, Christopher)

A07 - Matroids, codes, and their q-analogs (Project Heads Kühne, LukasSchmidt, Kai-Uwe)

B01 - Theta lifts and equidistribution (Project Heads Alfes-Neumann, ClaudiaBlomer, Valentin)

B02 - Spectral theory in higher rank and infinite volume (Project Heads Blomer, ValentinWeich, Tobias)

B03 - Spherical harmonic analysis of affine buildings and Macdonald theory (Project Heads Bux, Kai-UweHilgert, JoachimR?sler, Margit)

B04 - Geodesic flows and Weyl chamber flows on affine buildings (Project Heads Bux, Kai-UweHilgert, JoachimWeich, Tobias)

B05 - p-adic L-functions, L-invariants and the cohomology of arithmetic groups (Project Heads Januszewski, FabianSpie?, Michael)

B06 - Equivariant cohomology and Shimura varieties (Project Head Spie?, Michael)

C01 - Hyper-K?hler varieties and moduli spaces (Project Heads Barros, IgnacioVial, Ph.D., Charles)

C02 - Hereditary categories, reflection groups, and non-commutative curves (Project Heads Baumeister, BarbaraBurban, IgorCrawley-Boevey, William)

C03 - Tame patterns in the representation theory of reductive Lie groups and arithmetic geometry (Project Heads Burban, IgorCrawley-Boevey, WilliamJanuszewski, Fabian)

C04 - Counting points on quiver Grassmannians (Project Heads Franzen, HansSauter, Julia)

C06 - Stratifying derived categories over arbitrary bases (Project Heads Krause, HenningLau, Eike)

C07 - Derived-splinters and full exceptional collections (Project Heads Krause, HenningLau, EikeVial, Ph.D., Charles)

C08 - Cohomological structures of hyper-K?hler varieties (Project Heads Lau, EikeVial, Ph.D., Charles)

Z - Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre (Project Head Bux, Kai-Uwe)

Applicant Institution Universit?t Bielefeld

Co-Applicant Institution Universit?t Paderborn

Participating University Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit?t Bonn

Spokesperson Professor Dr. Kai-Uwe Bux



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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Helge Gl?ckner

Infinite-dimensional Analysis and Geometry

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Prof. Dr. Joachim Hilgert

Lie Theory

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Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klüners

Computer Algebra and Number Theory

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Prof. Dr. Margit R?sler

Harmonic Analysis

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Prof. Dr. Tobias Weich

Institute of Mathematics

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Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Schmidt

Diskrete Mathematik

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Prof. Dr. Igor Burban


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Prof. Dr. Fabian Januszewski

Algebra and Number Theory

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Jun. Prof. Dr. Ignacio Barros

Complex Algebraic Geometry

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PD Dr. Hans Franzen


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Claudia Alfes-Neumann

Universit?t Bielefeld

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Michael Baake

Universit?t Bielefeld

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Barbara Baumeister

Universit?t Bielefeld

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Valentin Blomer

Universit?t Bonn

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Kai-Uwe Bux

Universit?t Bielefeld

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William Crawley-Boevey

Universit?t Bielefeld

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Henning Krause

Universit?t Bielefeld

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Lukas Kühne

Universit?t Bielefeld

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Eike Lau

Universit?t Bielefeld

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Julia Sauter

Universit?t Bielefeld

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Michael Spie?

Universit?t Bielefeld

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Charles Vial

Universit?t Bielefeld

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Christopher Voll

Universit?t Bielefeld

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Cooperating Institutions

Universit?t Bielefeld

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Universit?t Bonn

Cooperating Institution

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