TRR 285 - Project Area A


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Principal Investigators


Numerical analysis of failure modeling in clinching process chain simulation
C.R. Bielak, M. B?hnke, J. Friedlein, M. Bobbert, J. Mergheim, P. Steinmann, G. Meschut, in: Materials Research Proceedings, Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023.
A calibration method for failure modeling in clinching process simulations
M. B?hnke, C.R. Bielak, J. Friedlein, M. Bobbert, J. Mergheim, P. Steinmann, G. Meschut, in: Materials Research Proceedings, Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023.
Influence of plastic orthotropy on clinching of sheet metal
J. Friedlein, C.R. Bielak, M. B?hnke, M. Bobbert, J. Mergheim, P. Steinmann, G. Meschut, in: Materials Research Proceedings, Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023.
Numerical Investigation of the Coupled Friction Behavior in the Clinching Process Chain
C.R. Bielak, M. B?hnke, M. Bobbert, G. Meschut, in: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.
Efficient gradient enhancements for plasticity with ductile damage in the logarithmic strain space
J. Friedlein, J. Mergheim, P. Steinmann, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 99 (2023).
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