Dr. Sebastian Bischoff
Faculty of Arts and Humanities ? Historisches Institut ? Contemporary History
- E-Mail:
- sebastian.bischoff@uni-bielefeld.de
- Web:
- Homepage (Extern)
Further Information
Current Projects
Research focus: History of the (far-)right and history of sexualities
- Post-Doc project: Attempts at sexual counterrevolution. Conservative und right-wing perspectives on the Sexual Revolution in West-Germany since1960. An outline of the project can be found here (in German).
- Co-Founding of the Association Sexualities in History, First Conference FU Berlin, May 2019 (program, conference report (in English)), the second annual conference (program, conference report in German) at Mainz University, April 2021, the third annual conference at Vienna University, April 2022 (program, conference report, in German). The forth annual conference will take place at IPU Berlin, 21./22. April 2023. Co-Editor Series "Sexualities in History - Interdisciplinary Studies", Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Co-Founding of the Contemporary Historical Working Group Extreme Right. Conferences in February 2019 and February 2020 at the ZZF Potsdam, in July 2022 at the Fritz Bauer Institute Frankfurt. Member of the Zeitgeschichte der Rechten editorial team at Zeitgeschichte Online.
- Conference "Antisemitism and Sexuality Reconsidered", December 13-15, 2021, Berlin. Co-Convener in cooperation with the German Historical Institute, Washington DC (GHI) and the Center for Research on Antisemitism, TU Berlin. Funded by DFG, GHI and TU Berlin
Research focus: Memory politics and practices in postmigrant and postcolonial societies
- Scientific researcher, Federal Ministry of Education and Research network project "Histories in Motion. Remembrance Practices, Cultures of History and Historical Learning in German Migration Society"
- Colonial Worlds in Westphalia - Cooperation project with Bielefeld postcolonial; Lippisches Landesmuseum Detmold, Stadtmuseum Paderborn. The project arose from my seminar "Paderborn Postcolonial" in the winter semester 2016/17, the conference took place in April 2019 at the University of Paderborn (see conference report in German).The anthology is published by Sch?ningh in 2021.
Main research fields
- History of right-wing politics, nationalism and post-national ideas
- History of sexualities
- Memory practices and politics in postmigrant and postcolonial societies
- Research on self-perception, images of enemies, stereotypes
- History of the First World War, the German Kaiserreich
- History of German and Belgian Colonialism
Academic Conferences Organizer
Berlin 4/2023: Forth Annual Meeting of the Association Sexualities in History - in cooperation with Cultural Studies Program at International Psychoanalytic University (IPU) Berlin.
Berlin 9/2022: Belgien, Deutschland und die ?Anderen‘. Bilder, Diskurse und Praktiken von Diskriminierung, Ausgrenzung und Verfolgung. Sixth 365足彩投注_365体育投注@ of the Association for Belgian Historical Studies - in cooperation with Langerman Foundation (ALF) / Arthur Langerman Archiv (ALAVA) at the Center for Research on Antisemitism, TU Berlin.
Vienna (Austria) 4/2022: Sozio?konomie der Sexualit?ten. Third Annual Meeting of the Association Sexualities in History - in cooperation with the Department of Economic and Social History of Vienna University.
Berlin 12/2021: Antisemitism and Sexuality Reconsidered - in cooperation with the German Historical Institute, Washington DC (GHI) and the Center for Research on Antisemitism, TU Berlin. Convener: Stefanie Schüler-Springorum (Center for Research on Antisemitism, TU Berlin), Anna-Carolin Augustin (GHI Washington), Sebastian Bischoff (Paderborn University), Kristoff Kerl (Feodor Lynen-Fellow, University of Copenhagen). Funded by DFG, GHI, ZfA.
Mainz/Online 4/2021: Theorize this! Second Annual Meeting of the Association Sexualities in History - in cooperation with TOYTOYTOY and the HERA-JRP-project: Disentangling European HIV/AIDS Policies: Activism, Citizenship and Health. Conference report.
Online 9/2020: Historical Research Benelux and Digital History - 365足彩投注_365体育投注@ of the Association for Belgian Historical Studies together with: Association Netherland-German Studies and Specialised Information Service Benelux / Low Countries Studies (Fachinformationsdienst Benelux / Low Countries). Conference report.
Eupen (Belgium) 10/2019: Fifth 365足彩投注_365体育投注@ of the Association for Belgian Historical Studies (in cooperation with the Ministry of the German-speaking Community, centre for East-Belgian History (ZOG) and the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History, Université du Luxembourg (C2DH). Conference report.
Paderborn 6/2019: Second 365足彩投注_365体育投注@ "Histories in Motion. Remembrance Practices, Cultures of History and Historical Learning in German Migration Society".
Berlin 5/2019: First Annual Meeting of the Association Sexualities in History, FU Berlin - in cooperation with FU Berlin and HU Berlin. Conference report.
Paderborn 4/2019: Colonial worlds in Westphalia - Cooperation project with the Verein für Geschichte und Altertumskunde Westfalen, Abt. Paderborn e.V.; Bielefeld postcolonial; Lippisches Landesmuseum Detmold, Museum Hexenbürgermeisterhaus Lemgo, Stadtmuseum Paderborn. The project arose from my main seminar "Paderborn Postkolonial" in the winter semester 2016/17. Conference report. The anthology was published by Sch?ningh in 2021.
Potsdam 2/2019: Right-wing extremism as a subject of contemporary history and foundation of a working group with Yves Müller, Dr. Dominik Rigoll, Dr. Anke Hoffstadt and Dr. Christoph Schulze, in cooperation with Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam, Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum Potsdam, Forschungsschwerpunkt Rechtsextremismus/Neonazismus at Fachhochschule Düsseldorf and Historischen Seminar der Universit?t Hamburg. Conference report, see also the coverage in Tageszeitung (taz).
Paderborn 5/2017: "Beyond Binaries and opposing remembrance?". Expert workshop on historical culture and remembrance in a postmigrant society. Funded by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ).
Paderborn 11/2016: Forth workshop of the working group Belgian Historical Studies (in cooperation with Belgienzentrum (BELZ) and Fakult?t für Kulturwissenschaften der Universit?t Paderborn, sponsored by Universit?tsgesellschaft Paderborn and Arbeitsbereich Zeitgeschichte der Universit?t Paderborn). Conference report.
Berlin 06/2015: "Waterloo liegt in Belgien". Third workshop of the working group Belgian Historical Studies (in cooperation with Centre Marc Bloch)
Cologne 07/2014: "Geheimfavorit Belgien?". Second workshop of the working group Belgian Historical Studies (in cooperation with Universit?ts- und Stadtbibliothek K?ln, sponsored by Universit?t zu K?ln, Verein K?lnAlumni - Freunde und F?rderer der Universit?t e.V., Belgische Generalkonsulat, Vertretungen der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft, der Wallonie und der F?deration Wallonie-Brüssel). Conference report.
Dusseldorf, 7/2013: belgica - terra incognita? Resultate und Perspektiven der historischen Belgienforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum. First workshop of the working group Belgian Historical Studies (in cooperation with Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften II der Heinrich-Heine-Universit?t Düsseldorf, sponsored by Hans-B?ckler-Stiftung, Freundeskreis des Historischen Seminars der Universit?t Düsseldorf, Gesellschaft von Freunden und F?rderern der Universit?t Düsseldorf)
- G?ttingen 04/2013: Subjekte in Bewegung, Organisationen in Bewegung? Gewerkschaften und Migration (Hans-B?ckler-Stiftung in cooperation with G?ttinger Graduiertenschule Gesellschaftswissenschaften, sponsored by Hans-B?ckler-Stiftung)
Teaching (selected)
- A Global History of Nationalism and Post-national Ideas since the 19th Century (Master course)
- The History of the Extreme Right in Germany since the Mid-1960s (Bachelor course)
- Antisemitism and Sexuality – The gender of an ideology (Bachelor course)
- History of sexuality in the U.S. and West-Germany since the Sixties (Bachelor course)
- Liberalization Movements and their Counterparts in West Germany in the Second Half of the 20th Century (Bachelor course)
- Paderborn postcolonial – a search for traces (Master course)
- Introduction to (Digital) Modern and Contemporary History (Bachelor course)
- Karl Marx, the formation of the capitalist mode of production and the formation of the socialist movement (Bachelor course)(Bachelor course)
- Global history of normativity and misfits (Bachelor course)
- Debates on eugenics in Germany and the history of the Nazi "Euthanasia" program (Bachelor course)
- German Colonialism (Bachelor course)
- City as a Site of Remembrance and Politics of Remembrance (Bachelor course)
- For what? Pour quoi? Wofür? Для чего? National war aims in WWI. A comparison (Bachelor course)
- West and East Germany's New Social Movements after 1970 (Bachelor course)
Board and other Memberships
Scientific Advisory Board/Board memberships
- Co-founder and member of the Association Right-Wing Extremism in Contemporary History
- Co-founder and member of the Executive Board of the Association Sexualities in History
- Cooperation partner of the Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt, TU Berlin, in the project BER_F_03 - Project of the FGZ Berlin "Between Anti-Semitism, Racism and Flight - Multiperspective Approaches to Jews / Judaism, the Middle East Conflict and the Holocaust in the Post-Migrant Society" (Project Director: Dr. Sina Arnold)
- Scientific Advisory Board member of the Digital History Project IDEA - INKLUSIVES DIGITALES ERINNERUNGSARCHIV. Migrantinnengeschichte als Teilhabe
- Co-founder and member of Executive Board of the Association Belgian Historical Studies
- Until 2019: Scientific Advisory Board member of the Digital History Project "1919-2019 Le Mans-Paderborn" (Prof. Dr. Stéphane Tison, Université du Maine, Le Mans - Laval - Prof. Dr. Stefan Schreckenberg, University of Paderborn)
- Until 2018: Executive board member of the Center for Belgian Studies, Faculty of Cultural Studies Paderborn (2015-2018)
Academic peer reviews for
- German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
- Belgian Science Policy, BRAIN-be
- Federal Agency for Civic Education
- Jewish Social Studies
- ZRex – Zeitschrift für Rechtsextremismusforschung
- Member of the German Historical Association (VHD)
- Member of Villigst Research Forum on National Socialism, Racism and Anti-Semitism