Felix Behler
Research Associate
- E-Mail:
- fbehler@mail.uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-4132
- Office Address:
365足彩投注_365体育投注@ Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- J4.144
- Office hours:
For office hour appointments during the summer break and in the winter semester (2024/2025), please write me an email.
Please note, I am on annual leave from August 5-24.
Latest Publications
F. Behler, Anglica: An International Journal of English Studies 23 (2023) 25–46.
F. Behler, Interdisciplinary Discourses, Education and Analysis (IDEA) 1 (2023) 5–21.
F. Behler, in: Narrative Ethics and Character in the Representation of the Past in Contemporary Fiction, 2023.
F. Behler, Journal for the Study of British Cultures (JSBC) 29 (2022) 243–260.
F. Behler, in: ESSE Conference 2022. Seminar: British and Irish Poetry after the Turn of the Millennium: Trends, Public/Counterpublic, Institutions. Organisation: Professor David Malcomb (University of Gdansk), Wolfgang G?rtschacher (University of Salzburg), 2022.
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Current Courses
- ONLINE-Termine: Prüfungsplatzvergabe für die Modulprüfung Fachwiss. Horizonte Literary- / Cultural Studies
- MAP-M5 Fachwissenschaftliche Horizonte - Literary and Cultural Studies