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- +49 5251 60-5399
- 0000-0001-5728-9982
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Mersinweg 5
33100 Paderborn - Room:
- X1.101
- E-Mail:
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-5399
- 0000-0001-5728-9982
- Web:
- Homepage
- Office Address:
Mersinweg 5
33100 Paderborn - Room:
- X1.101
About Christian Plessl
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2022: Professor (W3)
Department of Computer Science, Paderborn University
2015 - 2022: Professor (W2)
Department of Computer Science, Paderborn University
2011 - 2015: Junior Professor (W1)
Department of Computer Science, Paderborn University
07/2014: Habilitation equivalence
Positive evaluation of Junior Professorship, Paderborn University
2007 - 2011: Postdoc
Dept. of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
10.07.2006: Doctorate
Dept. Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Lothar Thiele
1995 - 2001: Degree programme
Diploma Electrical Engineering, ETH Zürich, CH
2023: Best Paper Award, International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART)
2018: Research Award, Paderborn University, jointly with Prof. Thomas D. Kühne
2015: Significant Paper Award, Int. Conf. Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL)
2014: Best Paper Award, International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs
2012: Best Paper Award, International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs
2009: Research Award, Paderborn University, jointly with Prof. Jens F?rstner
2001: SEW-EURODRIVE Student Award for Diploma thesis
Selected Projects
- EKI-App: Energy-efficient artificial intelligence in the data center by approximating deep neural networks for field-programmable gate arrays
- FPGA4XPCS: Efficient Real-Time Computation of Autocorrelation Functions for X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy using FPGAs
- HighPerMeshes: Domain-specific programming and target-platform-aware compiler infrastructure for algorithms on unstructured grids
- PerficienCC: Performance and Efficiency in HPC with Custom Computing
Selected Publications
R. Schade, C. Bauer, K. Tamoev, L. Mazur, C. Plessl, T. Kühne, Phys. Rev. Research 4 (2022) 033160.
R. Schade, T. Kenter, H. Elgabarty, M. Lass, O. Schütt, A. Lazzaro, H. Pabst, S. Mohr, J. Hutter, T. Kühne, C. Plessl, Parallel Computing 111 (2022).
S. Alhaddad, J. F?rstner, S. Groth, D. Grünewald, Y. Grynko, F. Hannig, T. Kenter, F.-J. Pfreundt, C. Plessl, M. Schotte, T. Steinke, J. Teich, M. Weiser, F. Wende, in: Euro-Par 2020: Parallel Processing 365足彩投注_365体育投注@s, Cham, 2021.
T. Kühne, M. Iannuzzi, M.D. Ben, V.V. Rybkin, P. Seewald, F. Stein, T. Laino, R.Z. Khaliullin, O. Schütt, F. Schiffmann, D. Golze, J. Wilhelm, S. Chulkov, M.H.B.-H. Mohammad Hossein Bani-Hashemian, V. Weber, U. Borstnik, M. Taillefumier, A.S. Jakobovits, A. Lazzaro, H. Pabst, T. Müller, R. Schade, M. Guidon, S. Andermatt, N. Holmberg, G.K. Schenter, A. Hehn, A. Bussy, F. Belleflamme, G. Tabacchi, A. Gl??, M. Lass, I. Bethune, C.J. Mundy, C. Plessl, M. Watkins, J. VandeVondele, M. Krack, J. Hutter, The Journal of Chemical Physics 152 (2020).
M. Meyer, T. Kenter, C. Plessl, in: 2020 IEEE/ACM International 365足彩投注_365体育投注@ on Heterogeneous High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing (H2RC), 2020.
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Current Courses
- Advanced Computer Architecture (in English)
Scientific Engagement
Since 2018 | Co-organizer, International 365足彩投注_365体育投注@ on Heterogeneous High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing (H2RC)
Since 2004 | Member of several technical program committees for international conferences, e.g. SC 2021/22, ISC 2021, FPL 2004-2022, ICFPT 2008-2022, FCCM 2020-2022, H2RC 2018-2022
2021 | General Chair, International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART)
Since 2021 | Board of Directors, National HPC Association (NHR), Germany