Si­lo­ge­spr?che ?Pro­jects and Pro­cesses“: As­ad Raza as guest on the top­ic of "Meta­bol­isms“

On Tuesday, December 6, the New York artist Asad Raza will be a guest at the Silogespr?che of the art department of the Paderborn university from 6 to 8 pm. With the topic "Metabolisms" the subject continues the series "Projects and Processes" in the winter semester 2022/23.

The art: Bringing together what is separated

Asad Raza notes that the mindset of Western modernity is one of separation: from the way societies are organised, the separation of labour and production, to the separation of knowledge into academic disciplines. Even the arts have been separated. Today, however, given the economic, social and ecological consequences of this separation, the question is increasingly how everything that has been separated - nature from culture, individuals from their social bonds, disciplines of knowledge from holistic forms of wisdom - can be brought back together. How can new forms and practices of association and connectedness be created?

One attempt to respond to these questions is his project "Absorption", in which a group of cultivators produce a new soil, called "Neosoil" by Asad Raza, from various regional waste materials such as sewage sludge, hair or cocoa bean shells. Also, in "Root Sequence. Mother Tounge", Asad Raza establishes new relationships - here between trees, their caretakers and the visitors.

About the person:

Asad Raza, born in 1974, is an American artist, curator and initiator of numerous art projects and exhibitions. He studied literature and film at John Hopkins University in New York and at New York University. He was artistic director of the Villa Empain in Brussels from 2016 to 2017 and curated numerous group exhibitions. His work has been realised at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Kaldor Public Art Projects, Sydney, Gropius Bau, Berlin, Serpentine Galleries, London, Art Hall Portikus, Urbane Kunst Ruhr, Essen and his one-room flat in New York, among others.

"Projects and Processes"

The ?Silogespr?che? are aimed at a broad interested public and offer students insights into various professional fields and the examination of current issues. All interested parties are cordially invited. The talk is conducted in English.

Access: Zoom

The event takes place online via Zoom:
Meeting-ID: 966 0909 2063

Further information can be found on the website of the Silogespr?che.

Photo (Asad Raza): Asad Raza's installation "Root Sequence. Mother Tounge" at the Sifang Art Museum.
