Pader­born Uni­ver­sity re­search­er ad­mit­ted to Young Academy of North Rhine-West­phali­an Academy of Sci­ences, Hu­man­it­ies and the Arts

The North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts (AWK NRW) today announced that Dr Oliver Wallscheid, from the Department of Control and Automation Technology at Paderborn University, will be joining its Young Academy (Das Junges Kolleg) on 1 January 2022. The engineer conducts research in the field of machine learning, specialising in the data-driven modelling and control of technical systems.

Admission to the Young Academy is a major honour for early-career researchers and junior academics in North Rhine-Westphalia. Holders of the scholarship receive annual funding to the tune of €10,000 for a period of four years. They are also given the opportunity to discuss their projects in interdisciplinary working groups and to interact with renowned members of the Academy. Researchers from any discipline can be appointed to the Young Academy. They must be able to demonstrate an outstanding track record of academic achievement beyond their PhD, be under the age of 36 and not yet hold a permanent university teaching position.

Wallscheid has been an interim professor in the Department of Control and Automation Technology since 2020, which he is heading up on a temporary basis. His research interests lie in hybrid control and modelling, with the focus on safety-critical applications in electric drive systems and smart energy grids. The aim of his work is to accelerate and safeguard learning processes based on expertise, and thereby promote the integration of machine learning in intelligent technical systems.

Wallscheid is delighted: ¡°Being accepted into the Young Academy is an honour, and will enable me to both continue my research at Paderborn University and expand my network within the academic community. I¡¯m very much looking forward to the interdisciplinary co-operation with the other scholarship holders, because the Young Academy doesn¡¯t focus on isolated research disciplines, but on discourse on socially relevant issues.¡±

Photo (AWK NRW, Bettina Engel-Albustin) Dr Oliver Wallscheid from Paderborn University has been appointed to the AWK NRW¡¯s Young Academy.
