Elec­tions at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity in Ju­ly 2021

The members of Paderborn University (in the four status groups of university lecturers, academic staff, technical and administrative staff and students) are requested to vote from July 12 to 15, 2021. The elections are for Senate and Faculty councils for the five faculties. At the same time, the students also choose the student parliament (StuPA) and the student representatives to be elected directly.

The term of office of the selected applicants begins on October 1, 2021 and is one year for students and two years for all other groups.

The election announcements, published on May 27, 2021, may be viewed digitally at:

  1. Announcement for the elections to Senate and the Faculty Councils
  2. Announcement for the elections to the student parliament and to the directly elected student council bodies

For the first time, all elections in all status groups will take place as electronic elections at Paderborn University. Eligible voters will receive more detailed information on the process and the technical requirements for electronic elections by email, on the notice board and on the following websites:

  1. For the elections to Senate and the Faculty Councils at: /zv/2-4/wahlen
  2. For the elections to the student parliament and the directly elected student council bodies at: https://stupa.uni-paderborn.de/wahlen/

Available for questions

  • for the elections of the students the student election officers and
  • for the elections to Senate and the Faculty Councils,

the Electoral Board and the Electoral Office are at your disposal (contact us via the above websites).



[Translate to English:] Foto (Universit?t Paderborn, Jennifer Strube)