Pan­el dis­cus­sion "De­fy­ing di­git­al cap­it­al­ism in solid­ar­ity - what can sci­ence achieve?"

Location: H?rsaal L1

On Thursday, 19 September, a public panel discussion will take place at 6 pm as part of the ‘Solidarity’ conference of the Critical Communication Studies Network. Dr Marisol Sandoval from Paderborn University, Prof Dr Stine Eckert from Wayne State University in Detroit) and Prof Dr Serhat Karakayal? from Leuphana University Lüneburg will talk about the topic ‘Solidarity in defiance of digital capitalism - what can science achieve?’ in lecture theatre L1. It will be moderated by Dr phil. Yuvviki Dioh from the University of Zurich. All interested parties are cordially invited. Registration is not necessary.

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