Winter semester 2024/25: New so­ci­ology sub­ject area ex­pands the two-sub­ject Bach­el­or's pro­gramme

 |  SustainabilityStudiesPress releaseFaculty of Arts and HumanitiesSoziologie

Artificial intelligence, gender equality, climate and sustainability are key issues for modern societies. Students in the newly established Sociology subject in the two-subject Bachelor's degree programme at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities deal with these topics. They learn how organisations, social groups and societies deal with these issues and what consequences these developments have for social justice and transformation. The open-admission course starts in the winter semester 2024/25 and applications for the coming semester are still possible until 21 September.

Researching social and sustainable phenomena

As part of the two-subject Bachelor's degree programme, two subjects are studied equally. The focus of the sociology subject is on the topics of work, education, organisation and forms of knowledge, with gender and intersectionality, digitality, sustainability and inequality as central cross-cutting topics. As a result, students learn to uncover social structures and identify patterns in relation to social inequality, cultural change and global developments. ‘In Paderborn, we offer a sound methodological and theoretical education that enables students to understand and investigate current social issues,’ says Prof Dr Isabel Steinhardt, Head of Department and Professor of Sociology of Education.

The new degree programme also focuses on a practice-oriented teaching approach in which students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in practical projects and research work. Current developments, such as AI tools like ChatGPT, are also integrated into the teaching. ‘The skills acquired are highly relevant to careers in research, educational institutions, companies or public administration,’ emphasises Steinhardt. In addition, stays abroad are possible as part of the Erasmus partnerships of the Sociology department with the University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), the University of Tartu (Estonia) and Katowice (Poland) as well as via the university alliance COLOURS of Paderborn University.

Further information on the degree programme and the application process can be found on the degree programme page.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Applications for the new subject are still possible until 21 September.
