A warm wel­come to Pader­born Uni­ver­sity: six new train­ees star­ted on 1 Au­gust

 |  CareerNews

A total of six young people began their training at Paderborn University on Thursday, 1 August. They will be trained in four different areas for the next three or three and a half years in the university's laboratories and offices. At the introductory event, they were welcomed by training coordinator Norbert Bornhorst, Theamarie Bittermann from the Human Resources Department and Barbara Hügemann from the Staff Council. 

Bornhorst provided the new trainees with information about the university. He was supported by Viktoria Daur and Louis Victor, who are currently in their third year of training as administrative assistants. In a round of introductions, the trainees were able to get to know each other and had the opportunity to present their training professions. There was also an initial orientation on the campus site and a joint visit to the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2). At lunchtime, the new trainees got to know their respective training areas.

We warmly welcome them to their new apprenticeships:

Administrative Assistant: Jule Druben and Amy Ritter

IT specialist for system integration: Audrey Zilse and Patrick Montag

IT specialist for application development: Andy Hoffman

Physics laboratory technician: Dennis Briese

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A group of nine people stand and sit by large stones.
Photo (Paderborn University, Selina H?rtel): Successful start: Norbert Bornhorst (left) welcomed the new trainees together with Theamarie Bittermann (second from left) and Louis Victor (back row, centre).