Fur­ther mil­lions in fund­ing for PAD in­nov­a­tion air­port

 |  SustainabilityMobilityResearchTransferNewsBehavioral Economic Engineering and Responsible Management / Heinz Nixdorf Institute

"AeM Speedport" project with the participation of Paderborn University

The PAD innovation airport at Paderborn/Lippstadt Airport has reached another milestone: The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs (BMDV) in Berlin has awarded the partners involved funding totalling 10.7 million euros for the "AeM Speedport" project. Paderborn University will receive around 700,000 euros of this for research in the field of technology acceptance.

The project focuses on the autonomous manoeuvring of aircraft using state-of-the-art sensor technology and AI-supported processes. In future, aircraft are to be manoeuvred on the tarmac completely autonomously and without engine power. The centrepiece is an interactive control centre in which all aircraft movements are controlled. In addition to the push-back vehicles, the many other vehicles on the tarmac will also become more autonomous. This innovation will also affect feeder and pick-up services as well as local public transport. Under the direction of LNC LogisticNetwork Consultants GmbH, Paderborn/Lippstadt Airport, ADB Safegate Germany GmbH (Mannheim), TowFLEXX GmbH (Visbek), EML Speech Technology GmbH (Heidelberg), Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Paderborn University, Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Swiss IT Security Deutschland GmbH (Wiesbaden) and MovingPositions GmbH (Braunschweig) is involved in "AeM Speedport".
"With technology acceptance research, we are complementing the engineering view of technical functionality in development with the expectations, requirements and fears of the relevant stakeholder groups relating to autonomous technologies at an early stage. In the project, these include air traffic controllers and airport employees. With our comprehensive view of the interface between people and technology, we create context-independent knowledge for the design of technological transformation," explains Felix Schr?der, research associate in the Behavioural Economic Engineering and Responsible Management group at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute at Paderborn University.

Paderborn/Lippstadt Airport offers numerous locational advantages for innovative aerospace solutions. "As a fully-fledged commercial airport, our airport also has periods with less traffic than the major airports. This makes Paderborn/Lippstadt Airport an ideal development and test environment for innovations. The entire region will benefit from the projects at PAD Innovation Airport," emphasises Airport Managing Director Roland Hüser. With the "FastGate" project, in which the University of Paderborn is also involved, a project to reduce downtime, operating costs and CO2 and noise emissions on the airport apron will be launched as early as 2022. 

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Photo (PAD Innovation Airport): Great joy at the handover of the federal grant in Berlin (from right): Airport Managing Director Roland Hüser, Project Coordinator Stefan Schr?der, Chairman of the Airport Supervisory Board District Administrator Christoph Rüther and Member of the Bundestag Frank Sch?ffler.


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Felix Schr?der

Behavioral Economic Engineering and Responsible Management / Heinz Nixdorf Institute

Write email +49 5251 60-2091