New Tar­get Agree­ments to In­crease the Pro­por­tion of Wo­men at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

 |  PeopleNewsEqualityFaculties

Equal opportunities for women and men is an important concern for Paderborn University. With a current proportion of 40.5 per cent of professorships held by women, the university occupies a leading position in a state and national comparison. In 1999, only ten per cent of professorships were held by female academics. In order to continue this positive development, the Presidential Board has now concluded new target agreements with all five faculties.

For the period from 2024 to 2027, the target agreements are intended to serve both as an incentive system for further increasing the proportion of women and for quality assurance and to complement the existing strategic concepts such as the university's equality plans and equality concept. The aim is to include more women not only in the area of professorships, but also in particular in the area of doctorates and mid-level academic staff. In addition, the equal opportunities goals of the faculties will continue to be supported with central measures such as mentoring programmes, start-up funding for doctorates, scholarships for young female academics and childcare facilities.

"Gender equality is a cross-sectional task at all levels of the university. The target agreements first concluded with the faculties in 2014 have already had a positive impact. It is therefore all the more important that these have now been renewed," says Dr Annika Hegemann, Central Equal Opportunities Officer.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Johanna Pietsch): The Faculty Deans and Equal Opportunities Officers together with Dr Annika Hegemann (back 4th from right) and Simone Probst, Vice President for Business and Personnel Administration (front right), are pleased about the new target agreements on equal opportunities at Paderborn University's faculties.
