"In­sight": Peer ment­or­ing pro­gramme for fe­male stu­dents in­ter­ested in do­ing a doc­tor­ate

 |  CareerNews

In September, Paderborn University will launch the next round of the "Insight!" peer mentoring programme for female students interested in doing a doctorate. The programme is aimed at female students from all faculties who are in the middle of their Master's or degree phase and want to consciously consider the path to a doctorate. A digital information event for all interested women will take place on Tuesday, 16 July at 1 to 2 pm. In addition to information about the programme, a former mentor will talk about her experiences. Registration on the dedicated website is required.

About the programme

The "Insight!" programme offers regular meetings in small groups with a doctoral student as mentor. There are also workshops on financing a doctorate, finding a topic and applying for a job in science. The aim of the programme is to support female students in deciding for or against a doctorate and, if necessary, to prepare concrete steps in good time - also with a view to the proportion of women at Paderborn University in the academic career stages. The application deadline is Thursday, 15 August. Further information and the application form are available on the Peer Mentoring Programme website.

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Stefanie Leinfellner

Kognitive Psychologie und Psychologiedidaktik

Mentoring Programmes for Female Students

Write email +49 5251 60-2898