Pader­born Uni­ver­sity and Friedrich-Spee-Ges­amtschule co­oper­ate in re­search and teach­ing

 |  StudiesTeachingTransferPress releaseFaculty of Arts and HumanitiesInstitut für Germanistik und Vergleichende LiteraturwissenschaftGermanistische Sprachdidaktik

The Institute of German and Comparative Literature at Paderborn University and the Friedrich-Spee-Gesamtschule Paderborn have agreed to cooperate in the context of language didactics teaching and research. The aim is to work together to individually promote pupils' writing skills in the area of argumentative and academic writing and to support student teachers in acquiring professionalisation skills in a practical way.

The "Schreibcoaches: Studierende in Spee" project has been running since 2020 and has now developed into a long-term cooperation between the school and university, which is supported by Christine Heukamp, Head of German at Friedrich-Spee-Gesamtschule, and Prof Dr Sara Rezat as a representative of German language didactics at Paderborn University. "We are delighted that the cooperation to date has been given a formal and official framework with the signing of the cooperation agreement. The co-operation is a long-term project that is not limited in time," says Rezat.

The cooperation agreement includes, among other things, the organisation of joint courses in which students can test the subject-specific foundations of language didactics in school practice and research them as part of study projects. Joint teaching materials are also being developed that reflect both the reality of school and the current state of German didactic research. In addition, a database with texts from the project has been created, which is being continuously expanded and can be used for final theses, for example.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Stephan Risse): (from left to right) Stefanie Baldauf, Headmistress of Friedrich-Spee-Gesamtschule Paderborn, Prof. Dr Bardo Herzig, Director of PLAZ - Professional School of Education, Prof. Dr Birgitt Riegraf, President of Paderborn University, Prof. Dr Dr Oliver Reis, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and Prof. Dr Sara Rezat, representative of German Language Didactics at Paderborn University, sign the cooperation agreement.
Photo (Paderborn University, Stephan Risse): The representatives of Paderborn University and Friedrich-Spee-Gesamtschule are looking forward to working together.
