Pader­born Uni­ver­sity with top po­s­i­tions in na­tion­wide CHE rank­ing

 |  StudiesTeachingRankingsPress releaseFaculty of Arts and HumanitiesFaculty of ScienceFaculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics

In the latest ranking by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), Paderborn University once again receives top marks from students. This year, subjects in the natural sciences, health sciences and social sciences were put to the test. Paderborn University took part in the ranking, which was published today, with the subjects of Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Sociology and Sports. With around 120,000 students surveyed, CHE provides the most comprehensive comparison of universities in the German-speaking world.

Student judgements are above average

In Computer Science, Paderborn University is above the overall average of all universities in almost all areas. Study organisation, support from teaching staff, support during studies, examination organisation, library facilities, rooms, IT equipment, digital teaching elements, support for stays abroad and career guidance services score particularly well with students. In Mathematics, support from teaching staff, examination organisation, library facilities, rooms and IT equipment were rated above average. In Physics, the support provided by lecturers, support during studies, examination organisation, IT equipment, career guidance offers and laboratory practicals also scored particularly well. The subject of sport is well above the overall average in the study organisation category, among others.

Support at the start of studies stands out

Students of Shysics and Sports in Paderborn are particularly likely to obtain their Bachelor's and Master's degrees within a reasonable period of time. Computer Science also achieves top marks in this category for the Master's programme. In Computer Science and Mathematics, Paderborn University is also ranked top in the area of support at the start of studies. Physics, Sociology and Sports are also in the top group in this category.

Prof Dr Jürgen Klüners, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, Prof Dr Wolf Gero Schmidt, Dean of the Faculty of Science, and Prof Dr Dr Oliver Reis, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, are delighted with the results. "We are proud to perform particularly well in the area of 'support at the start of studies'. The results show that we provide our students with optimal starting conditions," emphasises Klüners.

The university ranking takes into account both student judgements and facts about teaching and research. The universities are categorised into a top, middle and bottom group according to subject and criterion.

The results are available on the Zeit Online website. Further information can be found on the CHE Ranking website

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Foto (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi)