Pader­born Uni­ver­sity strengthens open­ness in uni­ver­sity teach­ing

 |  DigitalizationSustainabilityE-LearningHigher Education Development Office

Paderborn University has adopted its own "Open Educational Resources Policy". Open Educational Resources (OER) are openly licensed educational resources that can be freely reused, edited and redistributed. Thanks to these diverse possibilities, OER promote the realisation of ideal teaching-learning processes and have the potential to ensure inclusive, equitable and high-quality education for all people.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Sch?ppner, Vice President for Teaching, Studies and Quality Management at Paderborn University, emphasises the importance of the OER policy: "The adoption of the OER policy is a significant milestone for us. Paderborn University is thus expressing its commitment to openness in teaching, free access to education and the promotion of a culture of sharing at universities. In this sense, the OER policy is also a clear commitment to the exchange of knowledge and an open teaching and learning culture."

In the new OER policy, the university recommends that its teaching staff and employees use, create and publish openly licensed educational resources. The integrated guidelines in the policy serve as orientation for appropriate implementation. In addition, measures such as training, financial incentives and easily accessible information services are named to ensure the sustainable integration of OER in university teaching.

Furthermore, the OER policy should also be seen as an important addition to the already adopted "Open Access Policy", with which the university is strengthening free access to knowledge and open exchange in research. The OER policy not only helps to promote transparency and accessibility in teaching, but also encourages cooperation between teaching staff and makes a valuable contribution to sustainability in education.

You can find out more about Open Content at Paderborn University on the corresponding information page.

Information and support on the topic of OER can be found on the website of the Office for Educational Innovation and University Didactics.

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Dr. Nerea V?ing

Higher Education Development Office

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