"Fire­fight­er Char­ity Stair­run" at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity raises 16,000 euros for a good cause

 |  CampusPeople

More than 10,000 steps up and down - that's 432 floors per runner. Last Saturday, 25 November, teams from the fire brigade, the St. Louise Children's Hospital and the OWL Anaesthesia Department, accompanied by the Paderborn police, climbed the 33-metre-high H-Tower at Paderborn University up to 48 times. For the fifth time, the Firefighters OWL organised the "Firefighter Charity Stairrun" under the direction of firefighters Mathias Schmidt from H?xter and Guido Hartmann from Paderborn to collect donations for a good cause. This year, 16,000 euros were raised to support the organisations "Hilfe für das krebs- und schwerstkranke Kind e.V." and "Drachenpaten e. V. - Wir für Kinder".

Dressed in protective clothing and with their SCBAs on - totalling 20 kilograms of equipment each - the 15 firefighters ran up and down the tower between buildings H and Q six times an hour. Prof Dr Torsten Meier, Vice President for International Relations at Paderborn University, who officially opened the charity run, set the pace for the first lap. This year, the children's run sponsored by the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP) took place for the first time. Twice an hour, the 25 young participants covered the 211 steps of the staircase.

The organisations:

"Hilfe für das krebs- und schwerstkranke Kind e.V." supports facilities and clinics - from music and clown therapies to playrooms on cancer wards and the purchase of shower trolleys or image projectors for children who can no longer walk. The "Drachenpaten e. V." association, founded in February 2022 by Mathias Schmidt and other volunteers, is also committed to helping seriously ill children and young people in the OWL region.

Further information on the charity run, the associations and donation options can be found on the Firefighter OWL website.

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Photo (Paderborn fire brigade): The runners climbed the 33 metre high H-Tower at Paderborn University up to 48 times during the "Firefighter Charity Stairrun".
Photo (Paderborn Fire Brigade): Organiser Mathias Schmidt (left) together with Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier, Vice President for International Relations at Paderborn University, who opened the charity run.
Photo (Paderborn fire brigade): The children's run sponsored by the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP) took place for the first time this year. Twice an hour, the 25 young participants covered the 211 steps of the staircase.
Photo (Paderborn fire brigade): For the fifth time, the Firefighters OWL organised the "Firefighter Charity Stairrun" to collect donations for a good cause. This year, 16,000 euros were raised to support the organisations "Hilfe für das krebs- und schwerstkranke Kind e.V." and "Drachenpaten e. V. - Wir für Kinder".