Start-ups with cap­it­al re­quire­ments wanted

 |  Economy & BusinessFoundingPress releasegarage33

"OWL Start-up Pitch" connects young founders with investors

garage33, Paderborn University's start-up centre, and Sparkasse Paderborn-Detmold-H?xter are bringing start-ups from East Westphalia-Lippe together with potential investors for the ninth time. At the "OWL Start-up Pitch" on 15 February 2024, young founders will have the opportunity to network with established entrepreneurs and investors and initiate investments. Interested start-up teams can apply for the "OWL Start-up Pitch" until Monday, 18 December. Further information on the selection and application process can be found on the event website.

In five-minute presentations, so-called "pitches", start-up teams have the opportunity to present their business ideas and inspire the audience. In addition to projects that have already grown up in garage33, new start-ups and founders from OWL who are not yet part of the garage33 network will also be offered a stage. The start-ups selected for the event will be prepared for their presentation by the garage33 team up until the pitch date on 15 February. As in the previous year, the event is also open to supra-regional investors. Around 100 business angels and investors from all over Germany took part in the "OWL Start-up Pitch" 2023.

Sina K?mmerling, co-founder of "FINDIQ", emphasises how much start-ups from the region have already benefited from the event: "The 'OWL Start-up Pitch' was a great opportunity for us to present our product to a high-calibre audience and draw attention to ourselves. The discussions afterwards, the feedback from interested investors and the opportunities that arose as a result were particularly valuable for us."

The ninth "OWL Start-up Pitch" will take place on the first day of the "moonshots & moneten" Start-up Summit on 15 and 16 February 2024 in Paderborn. Here, the teams will present their ideas on the big stage in front of investors and other guests of the summit and then have the opportunity to exchange ideas and network together. Investors and entrepreneurs who are interested in attending the event as potential investors can register for an "investor pass" on the event website.

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Photo (TecUP): Last year, Stefan Paulus presented his start-up "azernis" as co-founder to established entrepreneurs and investors.
