Stu­di­obühne presents "deutsche fei­ern"

Location: Studiobühne

With "deutsche feiern", theatre author Lars Werner takes a look behind the shiny facades of billion-dollar start-ups. Students from Paderborn University are now performing the play at the Studiobühne. The stage play will celebrate its premiere on Thursday, 10 October. All interested parties are cordially invited. Tickets are available from the Paderborn University Service Centre (tel. 05251 605298) or from the Paderborn Ticket Centre (tel. 05251 602499).

Ahmet ?zdogru, Max Ritzel, Johanna Widmer, Natalia Chernyaeva, Armando Dilan and Maryia Parechyna play the characters in this socially critical stage performance. The production is directed by Sascha L?schner, head of the studio theatre. He is supported by assistant director Johanna Fl?rke. Nina Kuhle is also responsible for the costumes.

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Dr. Sascha L?schner

Neuere deutsche Literatur

Studio stage director

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