Lec­ture series "Mu­sic & di­git­al me­dia"

Location: Kuppelsaal der Hochschule für Musik Detmold, Willi-Hofmann-Str. 5, 32756 Detmold

Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Andreas Münzmay and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Berndt from the Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar Detmold/Paderborn, the lecture series ‘Music & Digital Media’ will take place in the coming winter semester. On Wednesday, 4 December, Prof. Dr Miriam Akkermann from the Technical University of Dresden will speak at 6.15 pm in the Kuppelsaal of the Detmold University of Music on the topic of ‘?ber alle Register. Compositions for organ and live electronics’. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend. Registration is not necessary.

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Berndt

Musicology Seminar Detmold/Paderborn

Professorship for the Modeling of Linked Virtual Data Spaces (in Music and Media)

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