"Ger­man lit­er­at­ure of the present"

In the winter semester 2024/25, the Institute of German and Comparative Literature and the Centre for Contemporary German Literature at Paderborn University are once again inviting all interested parties to a series of literary readings and discussions. Over the past decades, the event format has already brought more than 200 renowned contemporary authors to Paderborn, and this year's programme also includes numerous well-known authors. The readings take place every Monday at 4.15 pm in Lecture Hall G at Paderborn University. Admission is free. Further information and an overview of all dates can be found here.

On 28 October, Lea Singer will read from her new novel ‘Die Heilige des Trinkers’. Singer, born in Munich in 1960, studied German language and literature, opera singing, musicology and psychology. She completed her doctorate in 1990. Singer has worked as an editor for various magazines (including SZ-Magazin, Stern, Der Feinschmecker) and held the 28th Paderborn Guest Lectureship for Writers at Paderborn University in the 2009/2010 winter semester. She lives and works as a writer, non-fiction author and publicist in Munich. Singer's published works include the novels ‘Die Zunge’ (2000), ‘Wahnsinns Liebe’ (2003), ‘Mandelkern’ (2007), ‘Konzert für die linke Hand’ (2008), ‘Der Opernheld’ (2011), ‘Anatomie der Wolken’ (2015), ‘Der Klavierschüler’ (2019), ‘La Fenice’ (2020) and (under her birth name Eva Gesine Baur) biographies such as ‘Chopin oder Die Sehnsucht. A Biography’ (2009), ’Lonely Class. Das Leben der Marlene Dietrich’ (2017), cultural history and gastrosophical books such as ’Die venezianische Küche im Rhythmus der vier Jahreszeiten. Savouring with Vivaldi’ (2007). Singer has been honoured with the following awards for her literary work: Hannelore Greve Literature Prize (2010), Schwabing Art Prize (2016) and Lake Constance Literature Prize (2018).

The next readings will take place on 4, 11, 18 and 25 November.

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Prof. Dr. Stefan Elit

Institut für Germanistik und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft


Write email +49 5251 60-2872