1st NRW sym­posi­um "So­cial ped­ago­gic­al vo­ca­tion­al and teach­er train­ing in dia­logue"

Location: Q0.101

On Friday, 29 November, the 1st NRW symposium ‘Sozialp?dagogische Berufs- und Lehrer*innenbildung im Dialog’ will take place at Paderborn University in room Q0.101 from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm. The conference is being organised by Prof. Dr Nina G?ddertz, Social Pedagogy working group at Paderborn University, in cooperation with Prof. Dr Mischa Engelbracht from the University of Wuppertal and Prof. Dr Uwe Uhlendorff from the Technical University of Dortmund and offers a platform for interdisciplinary exchange, joint thinking and discussion as well as the interlinking of theory and practice. All those involved in socio-educational vocational training and teacher training are cordially invited to attend. Participation is free of charge, but places are limited. Further information and the registration link can be found on the event page.

About the symposium

Multiple global crises make it more necessary than ever to embed education for sustainable development in all areas of social and professional activity. Sustainable, critical thinking and action as well as a fundamental understanding of ecological, economic and social interrelationships appear to be essential in order to shape a sustainable, solidary and just future and to be able to actively participate in this social transformation. In her keynote speech, Dr Rita Braches-Chyrek from the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg will therefore speak on the topic of ‘Sustainability as an educational mission?’. The symposium will also discuss how education for sustainable development can be anchored in social pedagogical vocational and teacher training and integrated into everyday pedagogical practice. To this end, innovative teaching methods, successful school development concepts and practical research projects will be presented and discussed in workshops.

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