Hike and Pic­nic Get-To­geth­er in the Hax­ter­grund

On Friday, 21 June 2024 the Welcome Services organised a hike and picnic in the Haxtergrund for international researchers and employees. The starting point for the hike in the summer rain was the campus of Paderborn University where six international researchers set off together. The participants brought a selection of snacks to share during a break halfway through the three-hour hike.

The Welcome Services for International Researchers and Employees regularly organise networking opportunities for international members of the university. In addition to the International Coffee Break, that takes place on every second Thursday of the month at 14:30, the Get-Together event series also offers opportunities for informal exchange and socialising. In July, the Welcome team invites international researchers and employees to a Libori fair stroll as part of the International Tuesdays event series. You can register on this website

Foto: Muhammad Saad, Universit?t Paderborn