Re­gis­ter­ing at the Res­id­ent­s‘ Re­gis­tra­tion Of­fice

In Germany, all persons moving into a flat/house have to register at the city of their residence. Within two weeks of entering Germany or moving within Germany, you and all accompanying family members must register at the local Residents‘ Registration Office (Einwohneramt). Registration is free of charge

The following documents are required for the registration:

  • a valid identity document (and visa/residence title, if applicable)
  • for children under the age of 18: identification and birth certificate
  • landlord’s confirmation (?Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung“, you will usually receive this from your landlord; a template can be found here: landlord’s confirmation - the website is in German, the form can be found on the right side unter "downloads")

During the registration you usually are requested to give the following data:

  • place of birth
  • religious faith (there is a church tax (Kirchensteuer) in Germany)
  • marital status
  • city where your passport was issued
  • move-in date

Please note: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic you have to make an appointment for registering at the city of Paderborn.

Here, you can find information on how to make an appointment online.

Address (in Paderborn): Marienplatz 2a, 33098 Paderborn. (There are further offices in Elsen and Schlo? Neuhaus)

Please do not forget to bring the required documents.

Further information (in German) can be found here.

Some days or weeks after the registration, you will receive a request to pay the licence fee (for the German public service broadcasters) by mail.

  • At the Residents‘ Registration Office you can acquire a ?Meldebescheinigung“, which confirms that you have registered and that will be needed if you want to open a bank account or extend your visa.
  • At the Residents‘ Registration Office you can also acquire a ?Führungszeugnis“ (certificate of good conduct), which you will need if you will be an employee at Paderborn University.
  • If you move during your stay in Germany, you will have to register your new address. Please also inform the HR Department of Paderborn University of your new address (if you are employed at Paderborn University)
  • At the Residents' Registration Office you can also get some information about the Integration Sercices (MiCado) offered by "Caritas e.V.".
  • If you leave Germany at the end of your stay, you must deregister from the city registration office two weeks after moving out (at the latest). You can find the form here.

You may need a certificate of good conduct, e.g. if you are going to be employed at Paderborn University.

If you are registered at the city of Paderborn, you can apply for a certificate of good conduct at the local Residents‘ Registration Office (Einwohneramt). Usually, a certificate of conduct for presentation to a German authority (certificate of conduct for official purposes) is needed. It will then be sent directly to Paderborn Unviersity. The fee is 13 Euro.

If you would like to apply for your certificate of good conduct before your trip to Paderborn or if you have not registered your place of residence with the city due to a short stay, you can apply for your certificate of good conduct directly at the Federal Office of Justice.