
Here you will find current, selected news from the area of research at the University of Paderborn. Further releases can be found in the press archive.


In­ter­na­tion­al re­search pro­ject led by Pader­born Uni­ver­sity strengthens sus­tain­able pro­duc­tion in the EU

Digital platform to promote the circular economy: The project shows how the increased use of recycled aluminium made possible by a platform can reduce CO2 emissions.

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Quantum ex­per­i­ments and high-per­form­ance com­put­ing: New meth­od en­ables com­plex cal­cu­la­tions in the shortest pos­sible time

Publication in ‘Quantum Science and Technology’

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The gender factor in re­search

New BMBF-funded project at Paderborn University's Centre for Gender Studies offers support for all disciplines

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Mul­ti­lin­gual­ism in mu­ni­cip­al day-care centres - City of Co­logne and Pader­born Uni­ver­sity launch eval­u­ation

A comprehensive survey on the topic of multilingualism in the city's daycare centres is being conducted in cooperation between the Office for Children, Youth and Family of the City of Cologne and Paderborn University.

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New nu­tri­tion study starts at the be­gin­ning of the semester: stu­dents aged 18 to 25 wanted

Fit for university with the right breakfast?

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BMBF's Start­chan­cen pro­gramme: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity sci­ent­ist is a pro­ject part­ner

The Startchancen programme, which is funded by the federal and state governments to the tune of 20 billion euros over ten years and was launched on 1 August, aims to take a pioneering approach to decouple educational success from social background and ensure greater equality of opportunity.

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Ger­many’s first photon­ic quantum com­puter per­form­ing cal­cu­la­tions in Pader­born

Researchers at Paderborn University highlight their pioneering role in the development of light-based quantum technologies

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Sci­ent­ists de­vel­op new re­cyc­ling pro­cess for biobased plastic

‘The future of the plastics industry essentially depends on the development of sustainable polymer materials that are obtained from renewable raw materials and are suitable for chemical recycling as part of a circular economy.’

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Top In­ter­na­tion­al Math­em­aticians Meet in Pader­born

Kick-off Conference of the New Collaborative Research Centre

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More move­ment in the classroom: Pader­born stu­dents give re­com­mend­a­tions for ac­tion

Height-adjustable furniture, designated movement zones and more: sports students at Paderborn University have developed recommendations for action for movement-orientated classroom design in primary schools as part of a seminar. They have now presented these to experts from various sectors - from schools, trades and architecture to municipal administration - and discussed them with them. The next step is to incorporate the results into everyday…

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