The German Research Foundation (DFG) has extended two Collaborative Research Centres at Paderborn University.
DFG extends funding for ‘TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency’ Collaborative Research Centre
Huge success in research to improve production processes
Paderborn researchers publish their results in a specialist journal
Researchers from Paderborn University are involved in the ‘Quantum Secure Networks Partnership’ project (QSNP).
Kompetenzzentren zu digitalem Lernen in der Lehrer*innenbildung gehen an den Start
Creating trustworthy IT systems using cryptography
Paderborn University researcher named Lamarr Fellow
Researchers have studied sequential infiltration synthesis in nanostructured polymers.
Das Vorhaben baut Schüler*innenlabore zu Orten der Lehrkr?ftefortbildung aus, bei denen es um die Vermittlung von digitalen Kompetenzen geht.
New DFG Priority Programme headed by Paderborn University
Federal government supporting research project at the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn
6.7 million euros of funding – Paderborn University is leading a Europe-wide research project
Paderborn University involved in a joint project
Researchers at Paderborn University have succeeded in producing very special catalysts, known as “Lewis superacids”, which can be used to break strong chemical bonds and speed up reactions.