Am Dienstag und Mittwoch, 22. und 23. Februar, findet an der Universit?t Paderborn der zehnte Tag der Lehre statt, in diesem Jahr pandemiebedingt digital. Die Anmeldefrist wurde bis zum 17. Februar verl?ngert. Das Tagungsthema lautet ?Student Engagement – Aktive Teilhabe von Lernenden in Studium und Schule f?rdern“ und richtet sich damit insbesondere an die Lehrenden der Universit?t. Zeitgleich findet die Konferenz ?Inverted Classroom and beyond”…
Fake news and disinformation are becoming an ever-bigger problem. The most recent example being the high-profile incident that saw a streaming service accused of spreading false information. Social media are particularly susceptible to the phenomenon. In a joint research project, researchers are now investigating why this is the case, which individuals or groups are behind it and what can be done to stamp it out. The project, entitled ‘Prevent’,…
Stable energy supply using artificial intelligence: Paderborn’s researchers and companies shine a spotlight on operation and control strategies for microgrids
Nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss des Top Talent Programms mit 25 Bachelor-, Master- und Promotionsstudierenden der Hochschulen des Exzellenz Start-up Center.OWL (ESC.OWL) Ende vergangenen Jahres geht das 365足彩投注_365体育投注@- und Event-Programm nun in die zweite Runde.
The official green light was given for the construction of the Akzelerator.OWL in a symbolic sod-turning ceremony on Thursday, 3 February. The cutting-edge Paderborn University property on the former site of the Barker Barracks is to provide a new home for the start-up scene in Eastern Westphalia-Lippe. Working areas, a maker space, workshops, co-working areas and an office landscape for the members of the technology transfer and business…
Paderborn Lippstadt Airport is aiming to become an innovation centre for sustainable aviation and aerospace technologies and efficient airport infrastructure.
Am Mittwoch, 23. Februar, informiert die garage33, das Gründungszentrum der Universit?t Paderborn, ab 17 Uhr über das Thema ?Stipendien und F?rderm?glichkeiten“.
International team of researchers publishes review in Nature Reviews Physics
Due to their unique properties, 2D materials, which consist of a single layer of atoms, are increasingly being used in optoelectronic devices, as quantum light sources and in integrated circuits. Research into the quantum technologies enabled by 2D materials has been advancing rapidly since 2015, with further potential for yet further advances. An international team of…
In Erfurt fand vom 21. bis 23. Januar die j?hrliche ?Erfurt Model United Nations“ (EfMUN)-Konferenz statt. 18 Studierende der Universit?t Paderborn nahmen teil, acht von ihnen wurden für ihre Leistungen mit besonderen Auszeichnungen versehen.?