More news from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

"Mar­garete Schrader Prize for Lit­er­at­ure" 2024 of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity for Mar­tin Beck­er

The Margarete Schrader Prize for Literature is the only major literary prize in Germany to be awarded by a university.

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity sci­ent­ist ad­vises state gov­ern­ment as new chair­man

Prof Dr Norbert Otto Eke, researcher at Paderborn University, has been elected Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the NRW state government for the award of the title ‘Professor’ until the end of March 2026.

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Sci­ent­ists de­vel­op new re­cyc­ling pro­cess for biobased plastic

‘The future of the plastics industry essentially depends on the development of sustainable polymer materials that are obtained from renewable raw materials and are suitable for chemical recycling as part of a circular economy.’

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Uni-Shop On­line with Products in the New Cor­por­ate Design

In addition to classics such as notepads, pens, T-shirts and hoodies, the range also includes new products such as insulated drinking bottles, belt pouches and 6-in-1 charging cables.

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity Awards Busi­ness Spon­sor­ship Prize to Over 300 Pu­pils

Award for Special Achievements in the Natural Sciences

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Blickfang-Logo (Still aus dem 2024er-Design)

New epis­ode of "Blick­fang": UPB Ra­cing Team, vo­lun­teer­ing at DLRG Büren, wa­ter ski­ing, in­ter­view with Kid Dad

The 52nd issue of Blickfang is all about sport in its various facets.

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Dead­line Ex­ten­ded: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity Of­fers Study Entry for Last-Minute Ap­plic­ants

The regular application deadline for the 2024/25 winter semester at Paderborn University ends on Saturday, 21 September. This semester, however, there is also the opportunity for last-minute prospective students to apply for admission-free degree programmes until 15 October.

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Learn­ing to eat health­ily with vir­tu­al real­ity

Scientists at Paderborn University support nutrition education for children and young people with ‘SMART-EAT’

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Top In­ter­na­tion­al Math­em­aticians Meet in Pader­born

Kick-off Conference of the New Collaborative Research Centre

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More move­ment in the classroom: Pader­born stu­dents give re­com­mend­a­tions for ac­tion

Height-adjustable furniture, designated movement zones and more: sports students at Paderborn University have developed recommendations for action for movement-orientated classroom design in primary schools as part of a seminar. They have now presented these to experts from various sectors - from schools, trades and architecture to municipal administration - and discussed them with them. The next step is to incorporate the results into everyday…

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ERC Grant for out­stand­ing re­search awar­ded to Pader­born Uni­ver­sity sci­ent­ist

For his research work in the field of computer science, Junior Professor Dr Sebastian Peitz from Paderborn University has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant worth 1.5 million euros by the European Research Council (ERC).

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15 years of "Balu und Du" - ment­or­ing pro­ject con­tin­ues its suc­cess story

Of pedagogical practice and friendship

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Sig­nal gen­er­at­or sets com­pletely new stand­ards

Paderborn University research project presents product at the European Microwave Week

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Herbst-Uni 2024 “Girls Only” and “All Gender”

Middle and high school students can immerse themselves in various STEM fields of study at Paderborn University during the first week of the fall break from October 14 to 18.

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A warm wel­come to Pader­born Uni­ver­sity: 128 new ex­change stu­dents wel­comed

The international students from 21 different countries will spend the coming winter semester in Paderborn

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