More news from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

From 15 March to 7 May 2024, currently enrolled and future students can apply for a Deutschlandstipendium from the OWL Study Fund Foundation.

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OWL to be­come a mod­el re­gion for sus­tain­able busi­ness

State of NRW and EU support Green.OWL project with around 1 million euros

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The university management organises a research prize for academics to support exceptional research projects outside the mainstream

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. J?rg Wallaschek, who was elected as the new President of Paderborn University on November 15, 2023, will not take office on April 1 as planned.

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43rd Pader­born Guest Lec­ture­ship for Writers: Nora Bos­song comes to Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

In various genres such as the essay, the poem or the novel, the award-winning author takes a look at political events and social developments in a diverse and, in the truest sense of the word, excellent way.

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Hon­our­able Com­mit­ment: Pader­born Pro­fess­or Re­ceives Wo­men's Prize

Prof. Dr. Elisa Klapheck, Professor of Jewish Studies at Paderborn University, has been awarded the Marie Juchacz Women's Prize 2024 by the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The award honors her commitment to women's rights and equality between men and women.

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Teach­ing Day 2024: Sub­mit Ideas and Con­tri­bu­tions on the Top­ic of "Ac­cess­ib­il­ity" Now

Teaching Day is being held at Paderborn University for the twelfth time. The Higher Education Development Office cordially invites all teaching staff, students and interested parties at the University to help shape the event program.

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"Teach­ing about the oth­ers in Chris­tian­ity and Is­lam"

German Research Foundation funds interreligious research network at Paderborn University

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Paderborn University has launched the "InRegioFit" project to pave the way for international students in the best possible way.

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68 new ex­change stu­dents: A warm wel­come to Pader­born

On Tuesday, 5 March, Martina Schrade, Nicole Struzek, Heike Stiller and Brigitte Rohde from the International Office welcomed the new exchange students for the summer semester at an official introductory event at Paderborn University

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity-led uni­ver­sity al­li­ance plans in­ter­na­tion­al cam­pus: loc­a­tions in nine European coun­tries

Kick-off am 18. M?rz

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12.5 mil­lion euros for the fu­ture of mo­bil­ity: Joint pro­ject fo­cuses on auto­mated rail trans­port in rur­al areas

Paderborn University is involved in the RailCampus OWL joint project enableATO, which aims to use rail mobility to contribute to highly automated, digitalised and sustainable mobility. The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs is funding the project with 12.5 million euros.

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On "Healthy Eat­ing Day" on 7 March: In­ter­view with Prof. Dr An­ette Buyken

Is nutrition the key to health, education and climate protection? In this interview, nutritionist Prof Dr Anette Buyken talks about the opportunities, challenges and requirements of a healthy diet.

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22 lan­guages un­der one roof - Pader­born Uni­ver­sity's Centre for Lan­guage Stud­ies and the field of Ger­man courses merge

Areas for the targeted development of language skills and the acquisition of cultural competences are merged

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Prof. Dr Matthias Bauer, Prof. Dr Claudia Schmidt, Prof. Dr Werner Homberg, Prof. Dr Elmar Moritzer, Prof. Dr Eric Bodden and Prof. Dr Christian Plessl have been elected to the various committees

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