43rd Pader­born Guest Lec­ture­ship for Writers: Nora Bos­song comes to Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

 |  CampusEventsPress releaseLanguage and LiteratureFaculty of Arts and HumanitiesInstitut für Germanistik und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft

In the winter semester 2024/25, Nora Bossong will take on the 43rd "Guest Lectureship for Writers" at Paderborn University. In various genres such as the essay, the poem or the novel, the award-winning author takes a look at political events and social developments in a diverse and, in the truest sense of the word, excellent way.

Bossong is a co-founder of PEN Berlin ("Poets, Essayists, Novelists"), an association of authors, publicists, writers, translators and publishers who write in German or live in German-speaking countries. Her fifth novel to date, "Schutzzone" (2019), for which she was awarded the "Wilhelm Lehmann Prize" in 2020, was published most recently. Bossong has also published the poetry collections "Reglose Jagd" (2007), "Sommer vor den Mauern" (2011) and "Kreuzzug mit Hund" (2018) as well as the so-called "political texts" "Auch morgen" (2021) and "Die Geschmeidigen: My Generation and the New Seriousness of Life" (2022) were published. The author has been honoured with the Thomas Mann Prize and the Joseph Breitbach Prize. The Nibelungenstadt Alzey, Rhineland-Palatinate, has recently selected her as the winner of the prestigious "Elisabeth Langg?sser Literature Prize" 2024, which is awarded every three years. Bossong is also a member of the Central Committee of German Catholics and the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz.

The offer from the Institute of German and Comparative Literature and the Centre for Contemporary German Literature at Paderborn University is organised by Prof. Dr Norbert Otto Eke and Prof. Dr Stefan Elit. The lectures will take place in December and January, the exact dates are yet to be announced.

Eke: "I am delighted that we have been able to attract Nora Bossong, one of the most important voices in recent German-language literature, for our guest lectureship. This is a great honour for us as organisers and for Paderborn University."

Further information on the guest lectureship can be found at: go.upb.de/PaderbornerGastdozentur.

This text has been translated automatically.

Photo (Brost Foundation): Nora Bossong takes over the 43rd guest lectureship for writers at Paderborn University.


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Prof. Dr. Stefan Elit

Institut für Germanistik und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft


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