20th Pop­kritik "Ec(h)o" on 16 Oc­to­ber at Sput­nik: "Sound of Sus­tain­ab­il­ity"

'Popkritik’, a series of events organised by the “Popular Music and Media” courses at Paderborn University, is celebrating its 20th edition on Wednesday, 16 October. Reason enough to celebrate: from 8 pm, all interested parties are invited to the cult pub Sputnik to take part in exciting discussions on the topic of sustainability in music under the motto ‘Ec(h)o’ and to submit their own music suggestions. Registration is not necessary and admission is free.

During the event, which will be moderated by two students from the ‘Popular Music and Media’ bachelor's programme, participants will be able to contribute music that they associate with sustainability and then discuss it together. This time, there will be no panel of experts - all participants are the experts for the songs they bring with them.

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Jule Feldner

Popul?re Musik und Medien

- WHB Prof.in Dr.in Beate Flath

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