Lec­ture Series "Can­on and Cul­ture: Ob­jects of Lit­er­ary Stud­ies"

Location: Lecture Hall C2

J?rn Steigerwald (Comparative Literature, Paderborn University): ‘Canon and Culture: Introductory Reflections’

Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies at Paderborn University invites you to the lecture series ‘Canon and Culture: Objects of Literary Studies’ in the winter semester 2024/25.

The series of events is based on the initially simple observation that the expansion of literary studies through cultural studies, which began at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries and continues to this day, has brought about a paradigm shift that is both fundamental and imperceptible. While the canon was seen as the guarantor of the respective culture in Western European cultures for centuries, it seems that the cultural studies-oriented literary studies of the 21st century no longer need this canon if they do not set themselves the task of completely, albeit tacitly, abolishing it.

In their lectures, representatives of the lecture series problematise their own choice of subjects against the background of the relationship between canon and culture and reflect on this within the current practice of the respective discipline and / or in interaction with other disciplines.

Further information and the full programme can be found on the Comparative Literature website.

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Prof. Dr. J?rn Steigerwald

Komparatistik/Vergleichende Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft

Write email +49 5251 60-2894
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PD Dr. Hendrik Schlieper

Komparatistik/Vergleichende Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft

Zust?ndigkeitsbereiche: Fachstudienberatung, Koordination der Komparatistik-Lehrveranstaltungen

Write email +49 5251 60-5425