Di­git­al read­ing "Fath­ers can do it too" I 18.06. I 1 pm

On 18.06.2024 from 13.00 - 14.30, father and parenting blogger Fabian Soethof will read from his book “V?ter k?nnen das auch” and discuss how and whether “good” fatherhood can succeed. 

Fabian Soethof knows the contradictions, expectations and questions: What makes a good father? How do you create a family without tearing yourself apart professionally? And why is “equal rights” so difficult in everyday life?
With a keen eye, a lot of humor and in exchange with experts, he shows in his book “V?ter k?nnen das auch” what (still) stands in the way of fathers. An inspiration to question the familiar and find out what kind of fathers you want to be.

Fabian Soethof, born in 1981 on the left bank of the Lower Rhine, studied cultural economics (BA) in Duisburg and cultural journalism (MA) in Berlin. He has been working as an editor, author and podcaster for many years and writes for the “Tagesspiegel” and “Musikexpress”, among others. Since having children, he has also worked as a journalist for the specialist magazines “Eltern” and “Men's Health DAD” and as a columnist for the “Deutsches Schulportal”. He is also active on social media and was one of the first blogging fathers with www.newkidandtheblog.de.


When: 18.06.24 13:00 - 14:30

Where: digital, the access link will be sent to you after registration

Registration at  familienbuero@hs-ruhrwest.de


- in German language -