Di­git­al in­form­a­tion on the guideline for re­spect­ful co­oper­a­tion is on­line

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Enabling the best study and working conditions is a central concern of Paderborn University. Respectful interaction with one another forms a fundamental foundation for this. Accordingly, no forms of discrimination, mobbing, stalking, sexual harassment and violence as well as abuse of power are tolerated.

To ensure these principles, the Senate of Paderborn University has adopted a guideline for respectful cooperation and protection against discrimination, sexualized violence and mobbing. "The guideline gives affected persons clarity about support possibilities as well as options for action and at the same time also gives the internal university counsellors and the complaint office certainty of action," says Irmgard Pilgrim, Central Equal Opportunity Officer.

In addition to the guideline, the Central Equal Opportunity Officer of Paderborn University has created a website on which central contents of the guideline, helpful documents, FAQs, and contact options can be found. "Only if existing services, such as counselling and complaint offices, are known to all status groups and students and employees are informed about their rights, they can be used accordingly," says Irmgard Pilgrim. Those affected should find contact persons and advice as low-threshold as possible, know whom they can turn to in case of experiences of discrimination at Paderborn University. However, superiors and possible contact persons must also be clearly shown the essential steps and be provided with a counselling guide. In addition to the existing counselling services, it is important to present the complaint procedure as transparently as possible in terms of anonymity, process and (legal) consequences.

You can access the website by clicking on the following link: Counselling & Complaints at UPB



Irmgard Pilgrim
Central Equal Opportunity Officer
Tel.: 05251/60-3724