In­form­a­tion on

The following pages provide information on the funding available as part of Paderborn University's equal opportunities concept, the safety service offered by the university for women and the complaints office for violations of the General Equal Treatment Act.

Fund­ing as part of the equal op­por­tun­it­ies concept

Several measures to promote equal opportunities have been adopted as part of Paderborn University's equal opportunities concept.

Se­cur­ity ser­vice for wo­men

There is a security service at Paderborn University specifically for women, which offers special services at night and at weekends.

You can find out which services are offered, how to contact this service and further information here.

Com­plaints of­fice for vi­ol­a­tions of the AGG

The complaints office within the meaning of §13 of the AGG is the Human Resources Department of Paderborn University.

You can find out how to contact the Human Resources Department and who your contact person is here.