Course de­scrip­tion

No. 929.02

Intensive week A2.1


Monday, 9 September 14.30-17.00

Tuesday, 10 September 14.30-17.00

Wednesday, 11 September 14.30-17.00

Thursday, 12 September 14.30-17.00


Face-to-face event

Target group

International employees

Number of participants

max. 16 persons


This intensive A2.1 language course integrates themes and language activities from A2.1.

The aim is to complete level A2.1, depending on the participants' interest and possible time commitment.

Participants practise everyday situations in the learning group and are supported in improving their language skills according to their individual needs. The what (topics) and the how (structures) are trained in an action-orientated way.

Further topics are: Anglicisms in German, giving and receiving good and bad advice, world-famous sports venues, profile pictures, little places of adventure in Paderborn and the surrounding area, traffic jams in Germany.


Sigrid Peitz

Trainer?s background

The teacher has been teaching in the field of "German as a foreign language" for many years.

Registration deadline

1 week before the start of the event.

On the registration deadline, we decide whether an event can take place or not on the basis of the registrations. Therefore, please register promptly if you are interested! The more registrations we receive, the more reliably we can organise the event. Of course, you can still register after the registration deadline if there are still places available.


Gewünschte(r) Kurs(e)
Angaben zur Person
Zustimmung des/der Vorgesetzten

Declaration of consent *