Con­flict man­age­ment for Pader­born Uni­ver­sity staff

We won’t leave you in the cold with your conflicts!

Having problems in your team or with your superior? Need to prepare for a conflict resolution meeting, but don’t know how to? Currently working from home and having problems co-ordinating your work with your colleagues, employees or superiors? Finding it hard in the current situation to get your work-life balance right?

We’re on hand to help you! Paderborn University gives all academic and technical and administrative staff and managers the opportunity to access support and advice in the event of conflicts at work. Two external conflict advisors have been offering individual consultations to this end since April 2020. If required, we can also arrange for conflict moderators and mediators to assist with conflicts in groups.


Individual consultations

Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, consultations will take place over the phone or as a video call until further notice. Consultations are otherwise normally offered on campus, as well in both advisors’ practices. The service is free and anonymous for Paderborn University employees. The advisors are, of course, bound by professional secrecy and will not pass on any personal information to the university.  

The conflict advisors

I am a Protestant theologian (pastor) by profession, and for 30 years I played a major role in shaping the Paderborn telephone helpline as its deputy director. Part of the leadership work was also the conflict management of an institution with at times over eighty employees and two denominationally different sponsors. During this time, I helped to establish the Paderborn Emergency Chaplaincy and led it for ten years. In order to be able to carry out these activities in a professionally responsible manner, I completed several additional psychological and psychotherapeutic training courses.

I have been working in my own practice for about 15 years. There I was able to gain experience in the supervision of team and leadership conflicts in social organizations. Currently, one of the main focuses of my work is individual and conflict counseling. When dealing with acute and chronic conflicts in the workplace, I advocate a psychoanalytic approach to supervision that allows access to the psychodynamic background of unconscious processes. In doing so, I can, if necessary, draw on a wide methodological variety that enables a deeper understanding of current conflictual tensions and is capable of releasing surprising aspects of solutions.  

My connections to the academic world have so far been of a more private nature: all four of my children have earned doctorates at different universities and in different fields, and two of them have completed their habilitation. In the many years of accompanying these processes, I have been able to gain intensive insights into the many personal and structural questions, difficulties and conflict situations associated with them.

I have been involved with successful cooperation since my youth: first in youth association work, later in adult education and at universities, and for over 15 years as an independent consultant. As such, I have been involved in development processes on a personal, interactive and structural level in social institutions, family businesses, administrations and universities. Conflicts are an everyday occurrence. That is why, after my further training in group dynamics and my training as a "supervisor" (supervision = reflective counseling in work situations), I have continued my education in the areas of "conflict and mediation" as well as "organization" (see website below).

We sometimes feel that our basic social needs, such as belonging, justice, appreciation, orientation and self-efficacy, are trampled on rather than satisfied in everyday life. This leads to frustration and resistance up to burnout or own destructive behavior. Conflicts, on the other hand, can often be a motor for further developments on all levels if they are tackled in a resource-oriented way.

Whatever your conflict is: I listen to you. Disappointment, anger, helplessness or fear have their place with me. Confidentiality is the basis of my work. Together we look for new perspectives on what is happening and practical ways for you to continue dealing with the conflict.

Welcome to my office hours.

Conflict moderation and mediation

In the event of conflicts in groups, we can arrange conflict moderators and mediators on request. Conflict moderators can moderate and mediate in conflict resolution meetings in groups. If all parties involved are willing to work together to find a solution, mediators can support them in coming up with a solution that is acceptable to all parties. The costs for up to six hours per conflict case are covered by the central office.

In the event of a conflict, please contact your Staff Development team. We work with various internal and external moderators and mediators. We’ll help you find the right support to help you resolve your conflict!

Contact conflict moderation/mediation

Please contact the Staff Development team to find a mediator:

Dr. Caroline Wozny
Tel: 3588
Room: B1.325

Dr. Johanna Braukmann
Tel: 3587
Room: B1.325

Contact individual consultation

Monika Dinger
Jahnstra?e 4
33102 Paderborn

Dr. Andrea H?tger
Schützenstra?e 16
33178 Borchen
05251/6989741 (AB)