Air travel

According to the university's policy on environmentally friendly business travel, national flights should be avoided wherever possible.

In view of the economic efficiency and economical approach to business travel that must be taken into account, flex fares and fares that are more expensive due to bonus miles are not reimbursable for reimbursement when booking flights.

Air travel

If an airplane is used for business reasons, the cost of the lowest bookable class will be reimbursed.

In the case of air travel, the costs of the lowest bookable class of transport are generally reimbursed. In the event that the pure flight time is at least five hours, the costs of the next higher class of transport can be reimbursed. The consent of the person responsible for the budget must be obtained in advance.

The travel department will also be happy to advise you before booking.

In recent years, airlines have introduced reward programs for frequent flyers (e. g. Lufthansa's ?Miles & More“).

Under this program, each passenger who applies for the corresponding membership is given credit for the "miles" flown to a personal account.
It is irrelevant for the crediting whether the passenger himself or a third party pays for the trip. The Ministry of Finance has issued the following statement on the treatment of such benefits (e.g., free flights) under travel expense law:

"Due to the principle of economy to be generally observed in travel expense law, mileage credits earned in the context of business trips and trips home are to be used exclusively for official purposes."

Flight costs for flights with higher prices due to e.g. 150% or 200% bonus miles can only be reimbursed after prior consultation with the travel office.

The eligible employees are therefore to be informed that in the case of participation in bonus programs, the mileage credits earned on official business are again to be used only for business trips or trips home and that other bonuses are not to be claimed.

You connect your business trip with a private stay.

Only costs that would be incurred for the business trip without a private visit are eligible for reimbursement.

Please obtain reliable flight comparison offers for the fictitious flight(s) ON THE DAY OF BOOKING, which also shows the booking date.

Flight comparison offers cannot be obtained retrospectively! Reimbursement of flight costs without relevant flight comparison offers (same airline, as well as for the same arrival and departure locations and travel times) is not possible!

The travel department will also be happy to advise you on this before you book.