Health in­sur­ance

For enrolment, all applicants must provide the university with electronic proof of their insurance status in accordance with Section 199a of the Fifth Book of the German Social Code (SGB V).

For this purpose, applicants must request their statutory health insurance provider to send an electronic proof of insurance to Paderborn University. This proof confirms that the applicant is or is not covered by statutory health insurance at the beginning of the semester or on the day of enrolment.

Case 1: The applicant is or will be insured with a statutory health insurance company
The statutory health insurance company with which the applicant is or will be insured must be commissioned to submit the electronic proof to Paderborn University.

Case 2: The applicant is not insured or will not be insured by a statutory health insurance company
In this case, too, a statutory health insurance company must be commissioned to transmit the proof. Which statutory health insurance fund is responsible for the electronic reporting of the required proof depends on the insurance status in the individual case.

  • You are exempt from compulsory insurance in the statutory health insurance fund or can be exempted from this
    Students who enrol at state or state-recognised universities in Germany are obliged to take out statutory health insurance. At the beginning of their studies, privately insured students can apply for exemption from compulsory statutory health insurance within three months. The exemption must be applied for at a statutory health insurance company that could be chosen in the event of compulsory insurance. The exemption cannot be revoked; it is valid for the entire duration of the degree programme.
    ? Electronic notification of the proof must be requested from the statutory health insurance fund that granted the exemption from statutory health insurance.
  • You are exempt from insurance
    Civil servants, judges, soldiers, persons similar to civil servants and student applicants who are covered by the EU social security agreement and thus have insurance cover from other EU countries are exempt from insurance.
    ? The electronic notification of the proof must be ordered from the statutory health insurance fund with which the last statutory insurance existed. Note: Applicants who are covered by the EU's social security agreement and therefore have insurance cover from another EU country (EC Regulation 883/04 and agreement law) should contact a statutory health insurance company for electronic notification of proof, which could be selected in the event of compulsory insurance.
  • You are not subject to compulsory insurance
    Compulsory insurance ends with the semester in which you reach the age of 30. Students who are covered by the statutory health insurance of their parents, their spouse or their partner are also not subject to compulsory insurance.
    ? Electronic notification of proof must be requested from the health insurance fund with which the student was last covered by statutory insurance.

In general, the following applies
Electronic notification of proof from the statutory health insurance fund that there is no compulsory insurance in the statutory health insurance fund is mandatory.

You can find more information on health insurance for students in this information sheet: GKV Spitzenverband (German language)

Change of health insurance
If students change from one statutory health insurance company to another during their studies, they are required to ask their new statutory health insurance company to report the start of the change of insurance electronically to the university (so-called reason for notification 11).

Payment arrears with statutory health insurance
If a statutory health insurance company notifies us that students are in arrears with the payment of their health insurance contributions, there will be no re-registration for the following semester. If Paderborn University does not receive an electronic notification from the health insurance company that the overdue contributions have been paid within the deadline set, it is obliged to initiate the de-registration procedure.