Tri­al study pro­gramme

A trial study programme is only possible for Bachelor's degree programmes with open admissions. A certain number of achievements (examinations, etc.) must be completed during the trial study programme. Credit points (ECTS) are awarded for the work completed. If the trial course is successful, this entitles the student to continue their studies in the respective degree programme.

The trial study programme lasts 2 semesters. An extension of the trial programme is possible in the following cases:

  1. for part-time students according to the ratio of the standard period of study part-time to the standard period of study full-time, rounded to full semesters (part-time study is currently not possible at Paderborn University)

  2. in the case of disability or chronic illness by a maximum of two semesters, taking into account the degree of restriction of the ability to study,

  3. by a maximum of one semester in the case of participation as an elected representative in bodies of the university, the student body, the student councils or the student unions,

  4. by a maximum of one semester if holding the office of Equal Opportunities Officer,

  5. by a maximum of two semesters if caring for and bringing up a minor child within the meaning of Section 25 (5) of the Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsf?rderungsgesetz), as amended,

  6. by a maximum of two semesters in the case of caring for a relative within the meaning of Section 16 (5) of the Tenth Book of the German Social Code, as amended, or

  7. by a maximum of 2 semesters in other comparable circumstances.

The extension of the trial study programme must be applied for in writing using the forms provided by the Registrar's Office. The application must be accompanied by appropriate evidence and, in the case of an application under no. 7, a detailed written justification. It is recommended that the application is made immediately after the circumstances according to no. 1 to 7 have occurred, e.g. in the case of bringing up children already together with the application. The application must be submitted at the latest by the end of the re-registration period for the semester following the last trial semester.

A leave of absence interrupts the trial study programme.

The trial study programme is successful if

  • an average of at least 20 credit points according to the European Credit Transfer System have been earned per completed trial semester in Bachelor's degree programmes or

  • in degree programmes that conclude with a state or ecclesiastical examination, at least two thirds of the successful study and examination achievements required by the respective study and examination regulations in the completed trial semesters have been achieved.

The extended trial study programme is successful if at least the credit points or study and examination achievements are demonstrated that would have to be demonstrated in the case of a two-semester trial study programme.

Proof of a successful trial programme is provided in two steps:

  1. By the end of the last trial semester (30 September/31 March), the Registrar's Office must be provided with unsolicited proof that the trial study programme can probably be successfully completed on the basis of the achievements already completed and those registered. A confirmation from the Central Examination Office (ZPS) or, for teacher training programmes, the Centre for Educational Research and Teacher Training (PLAZ) must be submitted for this purpose. Until this confirmation has been received, it is not possible to register for courses for the following semester, as you cannot be re-registered.
  2. Proof of successful completion of the trial study programme must also be provided, without being asked, with confirmation from the ZPS or PLAZ no later than two weeks after the start of lectures in the semester following the trial study programme.

If one of the confirmations according to step 1 or step 2 is not submitted or not submitted on time, re-registration in this degree programme/subject area is no longer possible and the student will be de-registered from this degree programme/subject area.

If the trial study programme is not successfully completed, it may be possible to transfer to another admission-free degree programme/subject area. Please enquire about this at an early stage with the responsible clerk at the Registrar's Office.

Failure to pass a trial study programme in an admission-free degree programme does not preclude the application for an entrance examination.