News and Dates EIM Over­view

Mon, 04.09. (0:00 hrs) to Fri, 08.09.2023 (23:59 hrs) In some areas of the university there is a further examination registration phase for the second examination section in the summer semester (teaching units in physics, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, media studies, gff. also sports and home economics). Examination registration for the above-mentioned second examination phase is to be carried out online in PAUL from 04 September…

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At the end of 30.09.2023, the examination regulations Mathematics Master v2 and Mathematics Master v2b will expire. All students on these examination regulations will then be transferred to the new examination regulations.

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These regulations apply to all computer science students.  1st examination registration phase (for all major subject examinations and minor subject examinations (which are not KW or WiWi)): 15.04. to 15.05.2023. All project groups, seminars and proseminars must also be registered during this phase; subsequent registration/deregistration is not possible! Examination registration phase (for all minor examinations in a minor subject of the…

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These regulations apply to all computer science students.? 1st examination registration phase (for all major subject examinations and minor subject examinations (which are not KW or WiWi)): [...]

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The submission of the thesis is now also possible electronically in PDF/A format instead of the printed version. You can find information on this page.

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Applications for the selection of specialisation modules from the Bachelor's degree programme in Mathematics as compulsory elective modules in the Master's degree programme in Mathematics according to Annex III PO Mathematics Master v3 must be submitted in writing to the Central Examination Office. Enclosed are documents which show that the prerequisites stated in Annex III PO Mathematics Master v3 are fulfilled.

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- German courses no longer compulsory - German course level A2 no longer compulsory for graduation. - Deselection of 2 elective modules, also in case of final failure of the modules. Passed modules cannot be deselected! [...]

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Examinations > Examination registration in the university-wide registration phases [requires prior (and correct) module and course registration], admission check after the end of the registration phase, deregistration up to one week before the examination date in PAUL. Oral examinations [rescheduling is not possible, students must deregister in PAUL and then register again in the next registration phase; examination dates may only be bindingly…

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