I need a pro­vi­sion­al cer­ti­fic­ate of com­ple­tion. How and where can I get one?

The ZPS can issue a provisional certificate of completion as soon as all work has been completed and evaluated (in the case of theses, also with a 4.0 certificate). A form that the examiners (always the first and second examiner) of the thesis can fill out and sign can be found here on this page.

I have to ex­tend the pro­cessing time of my thes­is, what do I have to do now?

An extension of the working time of a thesis is possible for two reasons:

? On justified application in the case of problems inherent in the topic. The maximum extension time is limited in the examination regulations. You have to have the form signed by your first examiner and then submit it to the ZPS at your administrative office. [If necessary, the application will then be forwarded to the examination board for a decision.]

? Illness during the processing period. In this case, the inability to attend must be immediately substantiated by a doctor's certificate. The maximum extension time is also limited here in the examination regulations. Please use the same form and procedure as for withdrawal from the examination in case of incapacity to take the examination.

Can I re­gister more mod­ules than I need?

You can only register as many modules in each "module group" as is required. If you wish to register more of the required modules, you must contact Mr Bober during the registration phase and let him know which module you would like to take as an extra credit. Additional credits will be shown on the Transcript of Records (unless it is requested not to be shown), but will not be included in the assessment of the overall grade. Additional performances are limited to a maximum of 24 credits!

NEW: A passed examination in the compulsory elective or elective area, which is recorded as an additional credit, can be exchanged for a passed examination or an examination that has not yet or finally been passed (compensation) at the candidate's request. Compensation is possible between modules that are admitted for the same module group.



How do I re­gister for ex­ams?

You can register for exams in PAUL in the "Studies" field during the exam registration phase. Click on the "Exam administration" button in the left menu bar to access the "Exam registration" field.

Exam registration 3rd attempt:

If you have already failed an examination twice and would like to take the third (oral) attempt, please do not register for this via PAUL. Please send an e-mail to the person responsible for ESE.



Look­ing for a top­ic for your Bach­el­or's or Mas­ter's thes­is?

I would like to re­gister a free at­tempt ac­cord­ing to the Bach­el­or's Reg­u­la­tions for Math­em­at­ics and Tech­no­mathem­at­ics "v3". How does this work?

The registration must currently be applied for in writing using the form(which you can find here: "[Mathematik] Anmeldung eines Freiversuchs"). Registration is only possible in the corresponding examination registration phases!