More news from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Avoid­ing se­cur­ity vul­ner­ab­il­it­ies in in­dus­tri­al soft­ware

Researchers at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute in Paderborn develop specifiable analysis tool

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Close to his­tory in Ypres: Pader­born stu­dents ex­plore places of re­mem­brance of the First World War

The Paderborn Faculty of Arts and Humanities regularly offers its students the opportunity to deepen their understanding of history and the culture of remembrance

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10 years of di­versity in the classroom: Pader­born pro­ject cel­eb­rates an­niversary

"Vielfalt st?rken" is a benefit for the region

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A warm wel­come: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity wel­comes 54 new em­ploy­ees

Welcome event with quiz and information market

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity in­vests spe­cific­ally in health pro­mo­tion

Paderborn University has been committed to the well-being of its employees as part of a workplace health promotion programme since 1996.

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Ex­ec­ut­ive pay in­flu­enced by gender ste­reo­types

“Masculine” executive functions significantly better paid than “feminine” ones – unless held by a woman

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Run­ners wanted: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity takes part in East­er run

Paderborn University is once again taking part in this traditional event as part of the company cup competition

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43 pu­pils aim­ing high: ce­re­mo­ni­al ad­mis­sion to the NR­WTal­ente schol­ar­ship pro­gramme - OWL re­gion

The scholarship programme supports achievement-oriented, motivated and socially committed young people from year 8 onwards from all types of schools in discovering their strengths and potential, developing them to the best of their ability and shaping their own educational and professional path.

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Sim­pli­fied ac­cess to the HPC sys­tems of the PC2

The service can be easily requested or cancelled via the IMT Service Portal under "Other services".

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Top rat­ings for Mas­ter's de­gree pro­gramme in Eco­nom­ics at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

New CHE ranking for Master's degree programmes published

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Top­ping-out ce­re­mony for labor­at­ory build­ing with in­ter­na­tion­al ap­peal

The new PhoQS Lab research building will provide scientists on the Paderborn University campus with a state-of-the-art infrastructure to create something new in the field of quantum photonics. To mark the completion of the shell construction work, Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW (BLB NRW) and the university celebrated the topping-out ceremony together.

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Mul­ti­fa­ceted pro­gramme for pro­spect­ive stu­dents at "Uni Un­der­ground"

The pop-up event "Uni Underground", organised by the faculties of Paderborn University, gave pupils from the region the opportunity to get a taste of university life for three days.

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity sci­ent­ists are new acat­ech mem­bers

The expertise of Paderborn science is in demand: Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden, Head of the Institute of Computer Science, and Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn, physicist and holder of the Chair of "Integrated Quantum Optics", have been accepted as new members of the German Academy of Science and Engineering - acatech for short.

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Many people encounter sexism in very different ways in their everyday lives. By joining the alliance "Together against sexism", Paderborn University is sending out a clear signal: Violations of boundaries, degradation or abuse of power based on gender will not be tolerated in any form.

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Prof. Di­eter Gorny fills fourth "Pader­born Pop Lec­ture­ship"

The fourth "Paderborn Pop Lectureship" will be held in the winter semester 2023/24 by media manager and Grimme award winner Prof. Dieter Gorny.

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