Research semesters

Professors may be released from their teaching and administrative duties. The legal basis for this is § 40 of the Higher Education Act (HG).

Definition of a “research semester”

Within the scope of a research semester, a professor may be released from their teaching and administrative duties to focus on research activities.

Definition of a “practical semester”

Within the scope of a practical semester, leave may be granted for the purpose of applying and testing scientific findings and methods in professional practice and for gaining practical professional experience outside the university.

Free semesters are granted only for the duration of one semester.


At least eight semesters of teaching experience as a professor must have been completed. The free semester must be followed by four semesters of lectures before retirement. During this time, adequate teaching cover must be ensured. The university should not incur any additional costs as a result of the leave of absence.

Application process

To apply for the research or internship semester, please use the application form provided. You can find it here:

Application form

Please send the application with your digital signature to the responsible dean. The dean's office will send the application in digital form to the following e-mail address:

Applications for the granting of lecture-free research or practical semesters will only be approved if the report on the last leave of absence is available.


Reports on lecture-free research or practical semesters must be submitted to the President following completion of the research or practical semester. They will be added to your personnel file.

Please use the form provided for research reports. Please send the report with your digital signature to the responsible dean. The Dean's Office will send the report in digital form to the following e-mail address:

Research report form

If you have any questions about the research semester, the responsible colleagues in Section 4.2 will be happy to help.