Secondary employment

Pursuant to § 3, Para. 4 in conjunction with § 40 of the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector of the German Federal States (TV-L), secondary employment is generally subject to notification for pay-scale employees.

Pay-scale employees are therefore obliged to promptly notify their employer in writing if any secondary employment is undertaken. Permission for secondary employment is generally not required. 

Secondary employment activities may generally be carried out only outside working hours and may not exceed a total of one fifth of the regular weekly working hours for full-time employees.

Conditions may be imposed on secondary employment activities if these are likely to compromise fulfilment of the duties specified in the employment contract or any legitimate interests of the employer.

Information on secondary employment for employees covered by collective agreements can be found in the following information sheet.

If you have any questions, please contact Division 4.2.


Secondary employment notification form for pay-scale employees


Information sheet: Secondary employment
Circular: Secondary employment 2019