Busi­ness trip fully com­pre­hens­ive in­sur­ance for private vehicles

Employees of Paderborn University can opt to take out business travel insurance under the framework agreement with the Provinzial insurance.

You can find the relevant application forms here.

The business trip fully comprehensive insurance is regulated in Section D of the insurance certificate. The insurance covers the employee¡¯s private vehicle (car or motorcycle) during a business trip. An excess of €300 per claims event applies ¨C for both fully comprehensive and partially comprehensive claims. This excess is covered by the department's accident insurance if property damage to a private vehicle during an authorised business trip is not caused intentionally, through gross negligence or by an identifiable third person.
The annual premium is based on the annual business mileage.

  • We will pay for partially comprehensive claims only if and insofar as this is not covered by any other comprehensive insurance.
  • In the case of fully comprehensive claims, you can claim compensation under this framework agreement first (see product information sheet on pages 10+11).

We provide our form as an editable PDF document. PDF forms can be sent by e-mail, filled in, saved and printed quickly and easily. Only the relevant handwritten signatures need to be added.

To apply for business travel insurance, please simply send us the copies of the insurance certificate and SEPA direct debit mandate intended for us (= Page 2 + Page 6). A function has been integrated in the form, thanks to which only the first page of the insurance certificate and SEPA mandate needs to be completed. The carbon copies will be filled in automatically.

Please note that premiums can be paid only by direct debit. Payment by invoice is not possible.
Postal address: Provinzial-Allee 1, 48131 M¨¹nster
Tel. +49 251 219-2822
Fax +49 251 219-3716

Application form

Important information!

If you have also covered your private vehicle privately with a fully comprehensive insurance policy, please make sure before taking out the business trip fully comprehensive insurance that any claim made within the scope of a business trip will not result in your private fully comprehensive insurance moving up to a higher category if you also have the business trip fully comprehensive insurance. Insurance companies sometimes agree to cover half of the damage; you must then, however, also clarify that your private insurance will not move you up to a higher category!!!